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زندان زاهدان :فراخوان زندانی سیاسی ارژنگ داودی به پیوستن جوانان به قیام

زندان زاهدان :فراخوان زندانی سیاسی ارژنگ داودی به پیوستن جوانان به قیام

زندانی سیاسی ارژنگ داوودی طی پیامی از زندان زاهدان به‌مناسب قیام مردم  ایران اعلام کرد: در مراحل پایانی از چهار دهه مبارزه خونین با استبداد سیاه حاکم از همگان بالاخص از همه جوانان برومند میهن خالصانه می‌خواهم که چاووشان و جان برکفان این هماورد سیاسی را تنها نگذارند و برای رهایی ایران و ایرانی از شر تمامیت ظلم و ستم جاری با صلابت تمامتر به میدان این نبرد ملی وارد شوند.
زندانی سیاسی ارژنگ داوودی با ۶۴سال سن هم‌اکنون در زندان مرکزی زاهدان محروم از امکانات در وضعیت نامناسبی محبوس است. این زندانی سیاسی تا کنون شانزده بار از زندانی به زندان دیگر جابه‌جا شده است. زندانهایی که فاقد هر نوع امکانات بهداشتی و درمانی بوده و مینیمم بهداشت در آنها وجود ندارد. وی هم‌اکنون در زندان زاهدان با وضعیت نابسامان بهداشتی و فقدان امکانات پزشکی با مشکلات فراوانی روبه‌‌روست. 
ارژنگ داوودی بیماری قند خون داشته و به‌طور مستمر با تغییر ناپایدار فشار و قند خون مواجه بوده است. نگهداری این زندانی سیاسی در زندان مرکزی زاهدان با این شرایط تهدید جدی برای سلامت وی به همراه دارد.

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید

. چه نقشه هایی زندانبانان ودادستان کرج برای مهدی فراحی دارد .بی خبری و نگرانی از شرایط زندانی سیاسی مهدی فراحی شاندیز

. چه نقشه هایی زندانبانان ودادستان کرج برای مهدی فراحی دارد .بی خبری و نگرانی از شرایط زندانی سیاسی مهدی فراحی شاندیز

زندانی سیاسی مهدی فراحی شاندیز هم‌چنان در سلولهایانفرادی زندان مرکزی کرج محبوس است. بر اساس گزارش از منابع موثق این زندانی سیاسی از تاریخ ۱۵دی ماه؛ به دستور شهروی قاضی جنایتکار بیدادگاه کرج به سلول انفرادی منتقل شده و از تماس تلفنی و ملاقات محروم است. 
از آن تاریخ تا کنون هیچ اطلاعی از وضعیت این زندانی سیاسی نیست. 
قاضی جنایتکار شهروی هیچ تاریخی برای پایان مدت قرنطینه و محرومیت فراحی شاندیز نداده است. قاضی جنایتکار مقیسه نیز در پیگیری دیگری از طرف خانواده به ایشان گفته است که وی را از سلول انفرادی به بند عمومی منتقل نمی‌کنند.
علت انتقال مهدی فراحی شاندیز به سلول انفرادی به‌دلیل دادن شعار مرگ بر دیکتاتور و علیه خامنه‌ای است. 

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید

.دیلی کالر: مرگ بر استبداد: جهان باید در این لحظه سرنوشت‌ساز در کنار مردم ایران بایستد

.دیلی کالر: مرگ بر استبداد: جهان باید در این لحظه سرنوشت‌ساز در کنار مردم ایران بایستد

"دیلی کالر" طی مقاله‌یی به قلم سونا صمصامی نماینده شورای ملی مقاومت ایران در آمریکا به تاریخ 11بهمن 96 نوشت: فوران قیامهای شهری در ایران، بیش از 140شهر و شهرستان را در برگرفت. تظاهر کنندگان با فریادهای خشمگینانه خود شعار می‌دادند: "سوریه را رها کن، فکری بحال ما کن" و "مرگ بر حزب‌الله" شعارهایی که نه تنها حسن روحانی، بلکه تمامیت این رژیم را مورد هدف قرار داد. گزارشها از داخل ایران حاکی ست تا کنون بیش از 8000نفر دستگیر شده و بیش از 50نفر کشته شده‌اند که 5تن از آنها تحت شکنجه بوده. اراذل و اوباش نیروهای امنیتی شبانه درب خانه‌ها را می‌زدند تا "معترضان احتمالی" را "به‌عنوان یک اقدام احتیاطی" دستگیر کنند...
شاید مهمتر از هر چیزی، مردم ایران، مانند همه مردم دنیا، خواهان بیان آزادانه خود می‌باشند، تا با کشف نعمات دنیای بیرون، یک جمهوری دموکراتیک نوین و دموکراتیک در ایران خلق کنند. آنها خواستار این هستند که به حقوق‌بشر احترام گذاشته شود و آزادیهای سیاسی آنها به‌رسمیت شناخته شود. واضح است که این رژیم حاکم از پاسخگویی به این درخواستها بسیار ناتوان می‌باشد.“ 

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید

سی ان اس نیوز :اپوزسیون ایران فاش کرد که حوثی ها با فرمان سپاه موشک به ریاض و ابوظبی شلیک کردند

سی ان اس نیوز :اپوزسیون ایران فاش کرد که حوثی ها با فرمان سپاه موشک به ریاض و ابوظبی شلیک کردند

سی ان اس نیوز 30 ژانویه 2017
به قلم: پاتریك گودینه 
همانطور كه دولت آمریكا روز دوشنبه  به سفرای خارجی شواهدی مبنی بر ارتباط بین ایران و موشك های بالستیك شلیك شده به عربستان سعودی توسط حوثی ها در یمن نشان داد, اپوزیسیون ایران گفت كه گزارشاتی دریافت كرده است كه پرتاب ها [پرتاب موشك ها] تحت فرمان مستقیم سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی ایران انجام میشود. 
اپوزیسیون در تبعید ایران، شورای ملی مقاومت ایران / سازمان مجاهدین خلق ایران (ان سی آر آی/ ام ئی كی) با اشاره به منابع داخل رژیم و سپاه پاسداران گفت گزارشات حاکی از این است كه موشك ها در کارخانه های وابسته به بخش هوا فضای سپاه پاسداران تولید میشوند.
به گفته این منابع حوثی ها از سپاه پاسداران ایران و حزب الله لبنان در مورد چگونگی اداره و استفاده از موشك ها آموزش میگیرند
اپوزسیون ایران در یك گزارش گفت كه شركت های حمل و نقل كه گفته میشود در قاچاق سلاح های ایران به یمن و جاهای دیگر شركت دارند شناسایی شده اند. بعضی اوقات تحت پرچم كشورهای دیگر برای جلوگیری از برانگیختن سوئ ظن استفاده میكنند.
بنا به گفته شورای ملی مقاومت گروه صنعتی شهید باقری دو امكان تولیدی در تهران و یكی در پارچین دارد و یك نصب نظامی در بیابان در نزدیكی پایتخت دارد.
به گفته شورای ملی مقاومت این گروه [گروه صنعتی شهید باقری ]قطعات موشك های بالستیك از جمله قائمQiam) ) و نیز انواع مختلف موشك های زمین به زمین كه توسط سپاه پاسداران به گروه های نیابتی مانند حزب الله لبنان ارسال می شوند را تولید میكند

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید

.Iran: Nationwide Protests Continue Throughout the Country


Iran: Nationwide Protests Continue Throughout the Country


Northwestern city of Zanjan, protest gathering of the Railways Traverse Company workers
Iran Uprising -No. 61
The protests of workers, peasants and other poor people throughout the country, who are deprived of their fundamental rights and unable to provide the basic living needs, continues:
1. On Monday night January 29, the people of Bandar Abbas expressed their hatred of the Velayat-e Faqih system by chanting slogans "Vigilant Iranian, Support, Support" and "Death to Rouhani".

2. A group of people in Kerman chained their hands together in Kowthar Ave and square. When surrounded by the police, the youth and people of Kerman chanted: “Police, Police, support, support”.
3. A group of inhabitants of Mehr Housing in Sar-e-Pol-e Zahab gathered outside the city's governorate. They protested against government bodies that sold people the buildings that lacked the most basic infrastructure and security. Three months after the earthquake, the mullahs’ regime refuses to respond to the owners of the destroyed houses.
4. Fajr Petrochemical workers in Bandar-e-Mahshahr went on strike in protest at the failure to pay their fringe benefits for months related to difficult conditions.
5. Workers and employees of the world heritage in Haft-Tappeh in Shoosh and Chagha-Zanbil protested against non-payment of their salaries for four months.
6. Workers of Shushtar Aquatic Structures and workers of the World Heritage Site, who have not received their salaries for four months, held protest gathering.
7. Workers of the Zanjan Railway Traverse Company gathered outside the Zanjan railway building to protest against non-payment of their salaries for two months. The number of workers in this railroad sector has dropped from 500 to 300 since 2015. 7800 workers of Travers Company throughout the country have not been paid for months. The striking workers in various cities prevent the movement of trains in some hours by blocking the railroad.
8. A group of “Yas” soap factory workers in Khorramshahr gathered again in protest against the nonpayment of their wages. The cessation of production in the factory led to unemployment of 150 workers. Workers who are on the verge of retirement are in an uncertain condition due to the factory situation. 80 workers have not yet received their wages and benefits and insurance since 2016.
9. In Fasa, sugar factory workers gathered in protest of failure to pay their two months' wages and lack of facilities for workplace safety.
10. Masses of metro passengers in Golshahr in Karaj protested against stopping the train and getting money for tickets. They attacked the metro management building and pulled down the image of the Khamenei.
11. The protest gathering of deprived farmers in Kerman continued in front of the governor's building. Their work is disrupted due to detouring the water in their area. 

12. The gathering of 200 Isfahan steel company workers continued in protest at the failure to pay their salaries.
13. One week after the Nilou Tile workers' protest in Najaf Abad due to failure to pay their 28-month salary, government agents fail to respond to their demands.
14. The employees of the Isfahan Abnil continued their protests for the third day.
15. The protest of Boroujerd Municipality workers continued for the third day. They have not received any pay for their work for one year.
16. In Yasouj, a group of contract staff of the Ministry of Transportation of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province protested at the lack of job security.
17. In Tehran, a number of workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company gathered in front of the municipality to protest against the five-year postponement of delivery of their homes by the company's housing cooperative,.
18. The inhabitants of Kan in Tehran protested against terrible services in their area during the winter.
19. The workers of the alloy steel company in Yazd continued their protest gathering in front of the city's governorate. They demanded the re-establishment of the 20-year retirement pension for jobs in the industry.
20. Bazar Merchants of Bajestan in Khorasan Province protested by closing their shops against their improper livelihoods.
21. Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari farmers and maize growers protested in front of the Hafshejan sugar mill on Monday to protest delays in paying their claims.
22. Passengers at the Khomeini International Airport in Tehran protested chanting slogan: “incompetent manager, shame on you”.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 30, 2018

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید

.Iran: Political Prisoners’ Health Conditions Deteriorating


Iran: Political Prisoners’ Health Conditions Deteriorating

NCRI Staff
NCRI - Health conditions of political prisoners in Iran’s Rajaee-Shahr prison have deteriorated as prison officials and regime’s judiciary prevent the prisoners from being sent to health centers. According to reports, the political prisoner ‘Majid Assadi’, who is suffering from his liver tumor, is in critical condition due to being denied of necessary medical treatments.
Meanwhile, Assadi’s family have repeatedly referred to regime’s prosecutor office, demanding that the political prisoner be hospitalized and undergo specialized treatment, a demand that is yet to be accepted by regime officials despite the doctors emphasizing that Majid Assadi needs to immediately undergo specialized treatment.
In the meantime, Saeid Shirzad also needs medical treatment following his longtime hunger strike. The political prisoner is suffering from kidney and lumbar disc problems and his health status has deteriorated following his hunger strike.
While -- following two months of efforts by Shirzad’s family -- regime’s prosecutor has permitted the political prisoner to undergo physiotherapy treatment, the prison officials still refuse to do so.
Majid Assadi was sentenced to six years in prison a few months ago for ‘acting against national security through gathering and colluding’ and ‘launching propaganda against the regime’.
He declared a few weeks ago that regime’s judiciary considers his refusal to take part in a state TV interview as a proof of his alleged charges. Majid Assadi was last arrested in his house in Karaj by security forces in January 2017, during which the agents inspected Assadi’s residing place and seized some of his personal belongings.
Assadi, 34, was previously arrested for his political activities. The former Tehran’s Allameh Tabatabi University’s student activist was first arrested in July 2008 by regime’s Ministry of Intelligence. He was released three month later on bail. In March 2010, branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Salavati sentenced Assadi to four years in jail on charges of ‘gathering and colluding to act against national security’. The sentence was then also approved by regime’s appeals court, following which the former student activist was taken to section 350 of the notorious Evin Prison on October 5, 2011. After serving his four year sentence, Assadi was released from prison on June 8, 2015.
Saeid Shirzad and a number of other political prisoners staged a two-month hunger strike starting from July 23, 2017, to protest against pressures applied to prisoners by Rajaee-Shahr prison officilals. Shirzad was later beaten and transferred to prison’s section 3 in mid-September, 2017.
Shirzad was first arrested after launching a relief operation for Azarbayjan’s quake-stricken residents. He was released 19 days later on bail. On June 2, 2014, Shirzad was once again arrested in his workplace in Tabriz Refinery and transferred to Evin Priosn. He was later sent into exile in Rajaee-Shahr prison for his pursuing prisoners’ protests.
After going through 15 months of uncertainty and imprisonment, Shirzad was charged with ‘gathering and colluding’ and sentenced to five years in prison by Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court Judge Abolghasem Salavati. This was while the political prisoner was earlier sentenced to one year suspended imprisonment, a sentence that was turned into a prison term in the new court ruling.
Among his activities, Shirzad was involved in relief operations in Bushehr’s quake-stricken areas as well as Sistan and Baluchestan’s deprived ones. Shirzad was also involved in educating quake-hit children in deprived areas, providing healthcare training and facilities, outfitting accommodations set up for earthquake survivors, providing standard electrical wiring for earthquake victims’ residing conexes, and communicating with quake-hit and suffering children so as to prepare them for dealing with their unfavorable conditions.

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید

.Iran: Execution of Juveniles and Women, Mullahs’ Desperate Attempt to Confront Popular Uprising


Iran: Execution of Juveniles and Women, Mullahs’ Desperate Attempt to Confront Popular Uprising

Any deal with the Iranian regime should be conditioned upon stopping executions and release of protesters arrested during the uprising
By continuing executions, especially the execution of juveniles and women, and intensifying the atmosphere of fear and intimidation, the mullahs' anti-human regime is striving in vain to confront the popular uprising of the people who are fed up and have shaken the pillars of the mullahs’ rule.
On January 30, Ali Kazemi, a 22-year-old juvenile, who was 15 when arrested, was hanged in the central prison of Bushehr (southern Iran). Earlier, the regime's authorities had pledged that they would not execute him. Three weeks earlier, Amir Hossein Jafarpour, who was 16 at the time of committing crime, was executed in Gohardasht Prison.
Also on January 30, a young female prisoner was executed in Noshahr prison (northern Iran) after four years of imprisonment.
Two days earlier, on January 28, two prisoners were executed in the central prison of Orumieh. In the same prison, Hassan Bakoui was tormented to death in prison for being deprived of medical treatment and hospitalization.
Iranian Resistance calls on all the people, especially brave Iranian youths, to protest against these brutal executions and support the families of the victims. It also urges the international community and all international human rights organizations to strongly condemn arbitrary executions, especially the execution of juveniles. Opening fire at protesters, mass arrests, arbitrary torture and executions are a clear indication of the crime against humanity. Any interactions with the mullahs’ anti-human regime should be conditioned on improving the human rights situation, in particular the suspension of executions, and the release of arrested protesters. Dealing with such a regime is fueling its torture and killing machine.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 31, 2018

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید




taff - On Saturday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran reported upon remarks that Ahmad Khatami, the chairman of the Iranian regime’s Assembly of Experts, had made about the recent nationwide protests in that country. Khatami corroborated the conclusion of many foreign observers regarding the likelihood of resurgent protests in the wake of the regime’s crackdown on demonstrations that began in Mashhad over economic hardships before broadening both geographically and ideologically to include as many as 140 localities and explicit calls for regime change.
“Do not imagine that the risk of overthrow is gone,” Khatami was reported as saying. “No, the enemies will not give up thinking about the overthrow even for a moment.” The hardline cleric and Friday prayer leader for the city of Tehran went on to attribute the uprising specifically to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, which is the leading Iranian resistance organization and main constituent group in the NCRI coalition.
Previously, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei also acknowledged the prominent role played by the PMOI in the nationwide protests, as well as accusing both the United States and Arab powers led by Saudi Arabia of being involved in the advance planning and financing of the uprising. While these accusations against Iran’s regional and global enemies are certainly nothing new, the supreme leader’s offer of credit to the PMOI for popular protests is out of keeping with the regime’s usual strategy of downplaying the size and social influence of the democratic resistance.
Khatami referred not only to the January protests but also to the 2009 Green Movement and popular protests in 1996 as “PMOI sedition,” before applauding Iranian security forces for the suppression of each of these incidents. He went on to urge all supporters of the regime to inform on suspected PMOI members and sympathizers, thereby hinting at the broad response that the regime has given to the protests and their aftermath.
Soon after those protests began, the judiciary warned that persons deemed responsible for it would likely face death sentences. This threat was concretely reiterated recently when, according to the CHRI, some protesters in Hamadan and Khuzestan Provinces were brought up on charges of enmity against God and spreading corruption on Earth, both of which are punishable by death under Iran’s Islamic laws.
Such laws have helped Iran to maintain the highest per-capita rate of executions in the world. The charge of enmity against God was used in the 1980s to justify mass executions of PMOI members and other political dissidents following a fatwa on the subject by the Islamic Republic’s founder, Ruhollah Khomeini. An estimated 30,000 political prisoners were hanged in the summer of 1988 alone, and the legacy of this incident has been cited by various NCRI activists and supporters in recent days as they have sought to encourage international action to forestall Iran’s crackdown on protesters and other targets of politically motivated arrest.
The CHRI report on detainees in Hamadan and Khuzestan noted that in the city of Izeh alone, 50 people are known to still be in custody. While protests were ongoing, the Iranian judiciary acknowledged only a few hundred arrests, but officials have subsequently admitted to figures ranging into the thousands. Drawing on reports from within the domestic activist community, the NCRI has determined the likely figure to be upward of 8,000. Those same reports have aided in the identification of at least 11 people who have apparently been tortured to death during their detention for participation in the protests.
There are reliable indicators that such participation has not been the only factor driving arrests in the weeks following the uprising. The NCRI, CHRI, and other activist groups have reported on warrantless raids and apparently arbitrary arrests of social and political activists during that time. In one report on Friday, CHRI highlighted the cases of three individuals whom Iran’s security forces targeted for arrest but could not immediately locate. Family members of each of these individuals, and apparently a number of others besides, have been summoned for interrogation or arrested outright as part of an effort to pressure them to join the ranks of those caught up in the latest crackdown.
Those efforts arguably contradict media reports and statements coming out of Tehran, which suggest that the number of detainees is shrinking as most arrested protesters are released. Such claims reflect the regime’s clear attempts to portray its response to the latest uprising as being more moderated that its response to the Green Movement and earlier mass protests. Al Jazeera highlighted this same trend on Saturday in its report on members of the Iranian parliament visiting detained protesters in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison.
Those legislators had reportedly promised to investigate reports of deaths in police custody, some of which were written off by regime officials as suicides despite the bodies showing clear signs of torture. The Al Jazeera report noted that dozens of MPs had previously signed a letter urging the government to avoid “witch hunts” like those that followed the Green Movement demonstrations. But the same report also pointed out that the parliament’s Judicial Commission had only advised security forces to be lenient with some protesters and not with those that appeared to threaten the regime itself.
Al Jazeera went on explain that superficial defense of some protesters by Iranian lawmakers and the administration of President Hassan Rouhani was an example of “doublespeak” by regime authorities. This same phenomenon was arguably on display in the statement made by 40 MPs on the detention of Iranian university students, which was quoted in a report by CHRI last week.
The statement called for the judiciary to release those students “and particularly the female students” as soon as possible, but it also thanked security forces for the “numerous arrests” they carried out “in order to prevent discontent from spreading.” In the midst of an ongoing crackdown, such commentary underscores the notion that there is only weak and conditional advocacy for the Iranian people’s rights, even among supposedly reformist politicians.
Indeed, this was a major focus of certain slogans in the January protests. Some of these referenced both the “reformist” and “conservative” factions of government and suggested that neither was more suited to promoting the interests of the Iranian people. A number of reports on the protests suggested that one of their major causes was the supposedly moderate Rouhani administration’s release of a new national budget which imposed austerity on ordinary Iranians while allocating more money to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and other hardline institutions.
This budget was also the focus of a recent report by the NCRI, which Fox News identified as leading to the conclusion that “Iran spends billions on weapons programs, terrorism while ignoring Iranians’ basic needs.” The report identifies 55 billion dollars as the cost of “keeping the clerical regime in power.” Half of this money comes from the official state budget’s allocations – with the general support of “reformist” lawmakers – for the IRGC, military, and security projects. The other half consists of money controlled entirely by the IRGC and the supreme leader.
This phenomenon of channeling money to hardline projects from sources other than the official budget was the focus of a report by IW regarding Khamenei’s recent decision to transfer four billion dollars from the National Development Fund of Iran to projects that the fund’s charter does not technically allow it to charter. Of that total, 150 million dollars is being allocated to a state media outlet and 2.5 billion is being used to “bolster defense.” Meanwhile, allocations are being cut for public transportation, teacher retirement funds, and so on.
Insofar as these spending priorities demonstrate a greater commitment to projects that strengthen the regime than to those that safeguard the interests of the Iranian people, they can be expected to further support the conclusions of those, like Ahmad Khatami, who believe that popular discontent will continue to spread even in the aftermath of the early January protests. This in turn underscores the regime’s perceived need to continue suppressing dissent, even as it strives to present a more moderate public image.
Accordingly, Al Jazeera’s report emphasized that this image has been consistently undermined by the climate of fear that seems to linger over media inquiries about the protests.
“Nearly all those Al Jazeera tried to contact - even those who had marched in favour of the government in counter-protests - declined to speak,” the report noted. “Many said they were not sure what the red lines were for the government or police and were worried they might say the wrong thing and land themselves in a prison cell.”

مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady  دنبال کنید




By INU Staff
INU - Narges Mohammadi, the onetime spokesperson of the Centre for Human Rights Defenders headed by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, has been imprisoned since 5 May 2015. The Iranian journalist and human rights defender recently completed her thousandth day in detention.
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) once again calls for her immediate release and urges the international community to action.
Now aged 46, Mohammadi was sentenced to five years in prison on a charge of “meeting and plotting against the Islamic Republic”, one year for “anti-government propaganda”, and ten years for working with Legam, an outlawed campaign for the abolition of the death penalty in Iran.
An Iranian law adopted in 2015 decrees that anyone convicted on several criminal charges must serve only the sentence that corresponds to the most important charge. Still, this would mean that Mohammadi must spend a total of ten years in prison, and she is now in very poor health, which is believed to be a result of being denied proper medical attention while in prison.
Reza, the head of RSF’s Iran desk stated, “This is 1,000 days too many because there are no grounds for holding Narges Mohammadi, who should never have spent a single day in prison.” Moini also said, “We are very concerned for her health and we therefore appeal to the international community, as a matter of urgency, to put pressure on the Iranian authorities to free Mohammadi, who has become a symbol of the persecution of critical journalists in Iran.”
Mohammadi was detained for the first time in 2010. She was subsequently released after a few months because her state of health was of great concern. Following her release, she was subjected to intimidation attempts and arbitrary detention on several occasions before her arrest in 2015.
One of four journalists awarded the prestigious City of Paris medal by Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo at an event organized by RSF at the Théâtre du Rond Point in Paris on May 2nd, 2016, which is the eve of World Press Freedom Day, Mohammadi was unable to attend. However, she sent a poignant message from her prison cell in Tehran.
Iran is ranked 165th out of 180 countries in RSF's 2017 World Press Freedom Index.
Philip Luther, Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa has asserted, “Narges Mohammadi is a prominent advocate of human rights and a prisoner of conscience. She should be lauded for her courage not locked in a prison cell for 16 years.”

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