۱۳۹۶ اردیبهشت ۹, شنبه

Iran:"Debate" of Sham Elections – a Display of Bankruptcy and Disintegration of the Clerical Regime

NCRI - The first debate between candidates for presidential sham election was a display of deadlock and political bankruptcy, and disintegration of the regime. This so-called live debate that lasted three hours was after the fact that Khamenei, in fear of escalating fighting between candidates and creation of the ground for social unrest, had ordered tha the debate is broadcasted in recorded format.
Rahmani Fazli, the regime's interior minister said: "Anything that is said in live programs cannot be managed anymore and we paid a heavy cost in 2009 for these things whose effects still remain." Montazeri, the prosecutor general of the regime had said: We don’t have good memories of some of the live debates. In fact some stuff were said and some confrontations took place that creates some tensions in the society, and the concern was that God forbid, in live debate and live broadcast something happens again…in a time... and probably some issues are mentioned." (State run media April 22, 2017)
This "debate" was a vivid demonstration of the power struggle between rabid wolves who, despite four decades of grabbing the destiny and and assets of the Iranian people to grasp a greater share of power and plunder, rip each other.
In this debate and talk shows in previous days, the candidates who are all loyal nuts, executioners and imposters of this regime, were forbidden to expose each other on the order of Khamenei. For example any reference to the record of crimes of Raisi in the regime’s judiciary, especially massacre of 30 thousand political prisoners in 1988 was a red line, but the intensity of the confrontation between the two ruling factions was so much that they lost control and every one in exposing the rival faction inevitably unraveled a portion of the cesspool of corruption and plundering of the clerical regime. They are all accomplices in crimes of four decades of religious tyranny but unwittingly admitted that in the clerical regime the situation of the country has so worsened that the vast majority of the Iranian people have paid a heavy price for it.
Executioner Raisi who is a Khamenei confidant and is the head of the Custodian of the holy shrine (Astan Qods Razavi), which is a huge conglomorate with billions of dollars of wealth, in disclosing the record of Rouhani, admitted that in the system of velayat-e faqih "16 million people live in the outskirts of cities". Those who are deprived of the most basic living facilities and scourge of gravesleeping, street women and children, millions of addicts… are only parts of it. Two days earlier he had acknowledged that "40 percent of educated people are unemployed and the only income of some deprived villagers is nothing more than received subsidies of 45,000 tomans (~$12)." Revolutionary Guard Ghalibaf admitted that even this subsidy is worth less than 15,000 tomans today (only $4 per month) because of inflation.
Mir Salim said in the beginning there were more than 10 million illiterates in the country. Ghalibaf from Khamenei faction admitted that the country’s wealth and assets are in the hands of just 4 percent, and 96 percent of the population are deprived from this wealth. He revealed that currently there are 3 million vacant homes in the country that belong to the same 4 percent, i.e. heads of state and Aghazadeh’s and their followers. He said in 2016 the government gave a total of 530 billion tomans (~$140 million) in loans that is unknown to whom it was given.
During this farce show and while the candidates were solely present for heating up the scene, were only adulating. Ghlibaf, executioner Raisi, imposter Rouhani and his deputy Jahangiri, over the share of power, and over exposing their own contribution to the destruction of Iran, sometimes ripped each other. They correctly called each other liars. Jahangiri, deputy of Rouhani, referred to the scandal of attacking the Saudi embassy by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and agents of Khamenei faction, saying: "Who attacked the Saudi Embassy? In which candidates’ campaign office do they work? Which candidates were supporting them, were giving them money and were organizing them?” In exposing Babak Zanjani, a Khamenei stooge in circumventing the sanctions, he said: “Because of connections to some authorities … an individual is able to pocket $3.8 billion of the assets of the Iranian people ... some people gained bonanzas by corruption and collusion." Ghalibaf, who himself is notorious for plundering people’s property and land, attacked Rouhani for deceptions and hollow promises as well as getting bribes from Babak Zanjani, the big plunderer and Khamenei’s stooge.
The first debate of the clerical regime’s sham election that Khamenei intends to use as a tool to cover-up the dire situation of the regime, revealed well the impasse of the regime in all fronts, its critical crises and its fear from inevitable overthrow.

Khamenei’s representative in Mashhad. Mullah Alam al-Hoda, hours before the start of the debate, said: “We are exactly on the cutting edge of a sword that one side of it is the fall. If our people are not vigilant, it is possible in this political development, we fall down completely. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us that we protect the values of the revolution, especially in crisis and amid engagements and political developments. Sir, the outsiders want us not to be, they do not want the essence of our existence, they want to overthrow the revolution, if they forcibly come to overthrow the revolution is better than they transform our revolution...

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