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Iran: Teachers Trade Association Representative Calls for Boycotting the Election

NCRI - Representative of Khorasan (North Eastern province) Teachers Trade Association called in a statement for boycotting Iranian regime’s presidential election show.
“Iran’s rulers are holding a presidential election while lacking the least domestic and international legitimacy”, the statement says, “With wage-earning and toiling workers and teachers forced to live in poverty and with the highest degree of difficulty.”
Mr. Khastar then compares regime’s warmongering policy with that of Hitler, saying “Hitler led millions to death and caused a lot of destruction. Hitler’s theory was based on supremacy of German race, a theory which caused many Jews to be burnt in crematoria. Backed by bloody oil dollars, Iranian regime rulers started challenging the whole world, the region in particular, so as to export the revolution, a revolution that has long been stolen and of which nothing is left. Tragic death of Iranian forces in Syria with the excuse that they’re defending the shrines!, and the really heart-wrenching situation in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq all point to adverse results of such wrong policies.”
“if it wasn’t for Iranian regime’s and Russian supports”, says Khastar,”the criminal Assad regime would have been overthrown in the beginning (of the Syrian war) and no ISIS would have been created. Iranian regime leaders are going to bring to power some kind of Shiite group in Syria, through which to trample the rights of people there, just like what they’re doing in Iran.”
Representative of Khorasan Teachers Trade Association then points to the systematic corruption within the regime, saying “regime’s bureaucracy has pocketed billions, while unlike everywhere else in the world where governments are being downsized, the regime is trying to upsize its administrative system.”
Mr. Khastar compares Mullah’s regime’s corruption to Shah’s, saying “Shah had only one court, and everyone knows that the court of a shah consists of people who are spending from public money while offering no production or services in return. Unfortunately, shah’s one single court has now been replaced with hundreds of courts that are scattered across the country. Unique to the Islamic Republic, these courts have not only not been involved in any productive activities or serving the people, but they’re also hurting the religion that they were supposed to promote. The fact that most of youth have become irreligious is the result of the performance of these irreligious courts.
Reminding the history of people’s struggle for freedom, Mr. Khastar writes “it’s been more than 110 years since the constitutional revolution, and 38 years since 1979 revolution, with the Iranian people achieving none of their demands, including welfare and true national industries. And the lack of freedom has been the only one reason for all this failure:”
Pointing to regime’s presidential election show, Mr. Khastar writes “regime leaders may hold an election every two years. But what’s the use of it when the candidates are only those who are in line with regime and with the leader in particular? Regime leader are so glad when they see all people go to the polls to approve them, bragging about it before the world and dissident intellectuals that “look, people accept us”. The fact, however, is that not only the regime, but all the Iranians and even the world have found out that Iranian people don’t want and accept this so-called Islamic regime.
Representative of Khorasan Teachers Trade Association emphasized at the end of his statement on boycotting the election show, saying that he sees no need to participate in the sham election. “So, we shout everywhere, in factories, at schools, etc.: long live freedom, long live free elections, long live democracy, long live the government emerging from a free election, long live a healthy, independent judiciary that is not controlled by the regime, long live human rights as well as animal rights, and respecting the environment, and in a word “long live independence, freedom, and Iranian republic.”
مطا لب مارا میتوانید د رتوئیتر @bahareazady دنبال کنید 

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