۱۳۹۷ مهر ۱۰, سه‌شنبه

Iran: Thousands of truckers continue nationwide strike for 9th day

Iran: Thousands of truckers continue nationwide strike for 9th day

drivers’ nationwide strike in Iran entered its 9th consecutive day
Reported by PMOI/MEK

Iran, Oct. 1, 2018 - The truck drivers’ nationwide strike in Iran entered its 9th consecutive day on Monday, spreading to new cities and the four corners of the country. Despite the fact that Iranian regime authorities arrested over 120 of the protesting drivers, parallel to the mullahs’ judiciary authorities and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) resorting to voicing verbal threats, the drivers are courageously continuing their strike and paying no attention to the regime’s threatening measures.

The nationwide strike of the truckers, entering its second week, is intensifying the crisis inside the clerical regime whose leaders are increasingly horrified from its continuation and spread. In this regard, Iranian regime attorney general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri is now threatening to execute the strikers.

"According to the information we have, in some routes, some of the cities, there are elements who are provoking some of the truckers, or possibly blocking them and creating problems for them. They are subject to the rules and regulations of banditry and the punishment of the bandits according to the law is very severe, sometimes resulting in the death penalty,” he said on September 29th as cited by Iranian regime state media.

At the same time, Ali al-Qasimehr, the chief justice of the Fars Province, accused the strikers of "corruption on earth," and IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Sharafi, one of the commanders of State Security Forces, threatened the protesters with harsh action.
However, two days earlier, the Fars Province Transportation Director General had called the strike of truck drivers as rumors.

"It's been a few days that rumors about truck drivers’ strike have been circulating in the media and cyberspace. This misuse of the opponents from the needs of the truck drivers to create crisis in the country is clear for every Iranian,” he sais, as reported by the IRGC-affiliated Fars news agency.
IRGC Colonel Kavos Mohammadi, a deputy of the Fars provincial police force, described the strikers as "disrupters of the order."

"Following the disrupting acts of some of these people on the roads of Fars ... After the visible and invisible patrol of officers, 22 thugs and disrupters of public order on the roads were arrested and, after filing a case, they were sent to the judiciary authorities and through them to the prisons. Police will deal with sensitivity and vigilance with the smallest insecurity factors in coordination with the judiciary, and the process of confronting with the disrupters of order and security of the roads and axes of Fars province will continue on a daily basis. The police monitor and control all the roads in this province, visibly and invisibly, and resolutely deal with all elements of disrupters of order and security in these areas," he explained to the regime’s official IRNA news agency.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the strikers throughout Iran, describing the vindictive threats of the clerics against the dignified and hardworking drivers as a reflection of the growing crisis of the clerical regime, and said that the ruling mullahs were the biggest thieves in the history of Iran, and that they neither want nor can respond to legitimate demands of striking drivers.

She called on all human rights organizations to take action to release the arrested and urged the general public, especially the youth, to support the strikers. She added that realization of these demands is only possible with the establishment of democracy and people's sovereignty. A regime that threatens to execute its working people due to a strike must be rejected by the international community.
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Strikes and protests across Iran are heading towards a final and determining end that is very near in sight. Launching their third round of strikes, truck drivers across the country are demanding what is rightfully theirs.
The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran, however, has always resorted to bogus promises and lacks the capacity to live up to the drivers’ demands. We are entering the stage where the commoners can no longer tolerate the regime and the rich few lack the capacity to take any action.
The truck drivers’ last round of strike was witnessed during the July/August period. In these September strikes, 157 cities across all of Iran’s 31 provinces witnessed truck drivers joining this strike on only the second day of this latest round of protests. This movement expanded to 210 cities on the fifth day of protests on Thursday and the country’s main loading stations are reported to be closed down.
Latest reports indicate fuel truck drivers working in refineries in cities such as Tabriz, Kerman, Bandar Abbas, Arak, Kazerun, Qazvin, Sari, Ahvaz and Abhar are joining this nationwide movement. Truckers in Karaj, west fo Tehran, also announced their solidarity and vowed to remain on strike until their demands are met.
The state-run IRNA news agency cites Jamal Hamidi, director of the loading station in Bandar Khomeini of Khuzestan Province (southwest Iran) saying, “On Sunday, most truck drivers at the loading station went on strike. While 2,000 trucks are active in this loading station each day, only 300 accepted to load any goods on Sunday.”

News and reports on this developing movement vividly indicate the vast proportions of this nationwide strike and the strong will seen in the drivers to remain steadfast in the face of lies and thefts witnessed in the entire mullahs’ regime apparatus.
On the other hand, the truckers’ demands indicate how they’re barely making ends meet. The expenses of their professions leaves them with very little profit to live on. The Iranian regime’s Road & Transportation Ministry, like all other entities, is under the mullahs’ strict control and their main objective is none other than safeguarding the ruling regime’s interests. They spare no energy or effort to facilitate or support the people’s lives and minimum necessities.
The truckers began this latest round of protests on September 22nd, seeking the demands their long-stated demands:
- Restructuring the truckers’ guild through free elections
- Specifying base charges according to “tons per kilometer”
- Decrease in truck prices
- Providing spare parts and tires through government rated currency (42,000 rials per U.S dollar)
- Increasing drivers’ salaries and a 35% increase of transfer rates
- Increasing retirement pensions, especially considering skyrocketing inflation and prices
- Increasing road safety and security
- Supervision over fees demanded by transportation companies
- Decreasing commissions for loads and renovating the truck fleet
- Providing fuel rations for transportation trucks and providing this fuel on a permanent basis to the drivers and truck owners
- Decreasing highway tolls
- Controlling the process of load terminals
- Providing health and recreational facilitation for the drivers at city and border loading stations
- Punishing authorities that bribe the drivers
It is worth noting that the drivers righteous and necessary demands, and the suffering they undergo has gained the attention and support of international organizations for their strike and protests.
The truck drivers’ protests signal the potential of the entire Iranian society to rise in protest against the regime. This wave of protests will not be stopped and will only continue to grow.
We are in a period that the poor will no longer tolerate the status quo and the rich few can’t do anything. These protests, each resembling a center of anger and demands for change, are signaling an end to the ruling mullahs’ regime.

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