۱۳۹۷ شهریور ۲۶, دوشنبه

Iran: An Illustration of Economic Destruction by the Regime of Mullahs

Iran: An Illustration of Economic Destruction by the Regime of Mullahs

The number of textile weavers of Mazandaran has gone down from 7000 to just 300
On 15th September 2018, the state-run newsagency – ILNA – published the following article in this regard:
The executive secretary of Mazandaran’s Labour Party, Nasrollah Daryabeygi, considers the mismanagement of this province’s textile factory, i.e., the lack of a proper CEO or a Board of Directors, as the main source of its workers’ problems. He specified that these issues won’t be resolved unless the government does something about them.
In his talk with ILNA, Daryabeygi explains: This factory has always been a very active and well-known factory in Mazandaran, even since before the revolution, and it has operated several different units ever since, such as that of gunny weaving. At one stage, i.e., during Rafsanjani’s administration, Mazandaran’s authorities made a common decision to renovate this factory.
He continues: After several meetings, the renovation proposal was approved, with hopes that it would create more production lines, and consequently, more employments. At the time, the Tabaristan unit of this factory had 1800 workers.
Despite what was aimed, no improvements were made with the renovation; in fact, things got even worse. With the mismanagement of the bank, which was the main shareholder of the factory, workers faced even more issues, and the factory was eventually assigned to a Turkish shareholder several years ago.
According to Daryabeygi, the privatization of this factory proved to be ineffective. Due to a growing accumulation of debt, the Turkish shareholder was apparently later arrested and jailed; and the officials were unfortunately unable to obtain any warranty from him, in other words, the employers’ obligations towards the workers were not fulfilled.
Daryabeygi explains: After his arrest, this shareholder transferred his share of factory to someone else whom he owed at the time. The new shareholder, named Alambeygi, is a German citizen who has been overseas since March 2018, and has not yet involved anyone in the management of this factory. So, the factory is still being run without any CEOs or board of directors. As a result of a faulty foundation, the workers remain unpaid throughout May, June, July, and August.
Considering the currency crisis in Iran, and the difficulty in obtaining primary goods for production, the factory is in great jeopardy now.
Daryabeygi continues: Just after revolution, this factory had 7000 workers, but now, it only has 310. So far, three of Mazandaran’s textile factories have closed-down, and the lands of our Tabaristan unit are also being gradually taken by the Council. The only active unit now is in Talar, which given its mismanagement, is also in risk now.
Daryabeygi states: due to issues relating finance and insurance, which stem from the lack of CEO and board of directors, our workers are constantly worried about their future job security. It is all up to the government now to clean this mess.
Daryabeygi concludes: This factory has always been the main source of income for the workers of this province. However, due to the mentioned flaws in the factory’s management, they have remained unpaid for nearly 4 months now. Instead of sitting back and watching the bits and pieces of this factory being taken away, the government must step in use exert its authority to make serious improvements.

مطالب   مارا در وبلاک انجمن نجات ایران  ودر توئیتربنام @bahareazady   دنبال کنید

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 سرنگونی #  اتحادوهمبستگی     مرگ_بر_دیکتاتور   #IranRegimeChange

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