۱۳۹۶ اسفند ۲۵, جمعه

Iran Regime Will Soon Fall


Iran Regime Will Soon Fall


NCRI Staff
NCRI - The Iranian Regime is on thin ice and they know it, as demonstrated by the protests that were seen all over Iran on Tuesday night, during the national Fire Festival, and the Regime’s brutal response to it.
These large anti-regime rallies suggest that the Iranian people will not be giving in, no matter what the Regime does, until they’ve realised their ultimate objective of regime change. These protests have brought together the Iranian people – no matter their gender, class, job, or religion – to rise up against the mullahs and they will remain united in this effort.
From women demanding equal rights, to farmers opposing the wilful destruction of their crops, to religious minorities demanding their right to practice their faith, all of these valid and worthy protests are snowballing together, which is why the Regime has been sending in the troops.
A spokesperson for the Iranian police reported that they were using “5,000 officers, 10 million accomplices, 1,100 traffic police vehicles, 27,000 special police patrols, installing 1,330 police trailers, 3,770 patrol vehicles, 2010 motorcycle patrols, 2,900 on-foot patrols, 1,700 temporary inspection centers, 104 permanent inspection centers and 30 helicopters” to suppress the protests.
Scared of the people
That would be a massive overreaction if the Regime wasn’t scared to death of being overthrown by its people, and yes, the so-called moderates in the Regime almost certainly approve of these measures.
In February, Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi foretold that the protest movement would continue until they get regime change and noted that the Regime knows that it is incapable of containing it.
She said: “The wall of fear has been cracked, and nothing including arrests, killings and torture can prevent the advancement of the protests to overthrow the regime.”
The Iranian Resistance, including the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), are supporting and encouraging the protesters and it is working. Tuesday’s protests were largely the result of a call from the MEK to attend in spite of the Regime’s threats.
The West’s role
The West has recently begun to acknowledge the threat posed by Iran’s ballistic missiles, but how long will it take them to realise that the Iranian people want regime change?
Human rights activist Heshmat Alavi wrote on Al Arabiya: “It is high time for the West to realize appeasement vis-à-vis Tehran is not welcome as protesters express their abhorrence of this clerical rule.”
He advises that the European Union recognise the Iranian people’s demand for regime change and start to adopt measures against the Regime, in particular for human rights abuses of the protesters.
He also states the EU should end trade deals with Iran, as the money largely goes to prop up the Regime and its violent militarised police force, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
He advises that another good starting point would be to have the United Nations investigate the mysterious fates of protestors in custody.
Alavi wrote: “Europe should jump on board with its Middle East allies and the United States in adopting a firm Iran policy. Silence in regards to Tehran’s unrestrained quelling of protestors simply seeking their God-given right of freedom is unacceptable.”

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      مطالب مارا درتو ئیتر بنام @ bahareazady ووبلاک انجمن نجات ایران   دنبال کنید

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