۱۳۹۶ دی ۳, یکشنبه

.Message from Maryam Rajavi on the occasion of the Nativity and the beginning of 2018

Message from Maryam Rajavi on the occasion of the Nativity and the beginning of 2018
Christian community!Followers of Jesus Christ (AS) around the world,I give you my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Greetings and greetings on Maryam Ozra, who, with a great and painful suffering, in the dark and cruel darkness, presented the world with the word of love and hope, the message of rebellion against tyranny and the shame of light and freedom.
Somebody came to the refuge of the poor and the poor. The voices of the oppressed and the light of the eyes were the ones that darkened their existence. And the power of the word of liberty, which caused cruelty and ruin.
Jesus Bin Maryam taught everyone with a message of unity that: "There is no greater love than the other for living our lives."Christ told the secret of a higher life in payment to others, and said: "The more you serve others, the greater you will be, because there is a great service."
And, following his eternal lesson, inspired by his suffering and perseverance, we found resistance to freedom as the greatest service to God and the creation: the struggle for the liberation of the Iranian people and the overthrow of the Velayat-e faqih regime.
With the sufferings of the resistance and the people of Iran and the grace of the great God and the message of Christ, Iran, we will be relieved of the atrocious dignitaries, and the light of freedom and justice will cover our captured nation and nation, and the religious discrimination and fundamentalism and terrorism of the regime in the region, with Equality and brotherhood and peace.With this hope and hope, I congratulate the start of 2018. Congratulations to all the honorable men and women who have come to the rescue of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy all over the world.
Congratulations to all those who have not given up to the miseries of today's world to build a better world.
Inspired by Jesus Christ and Mary Exodus, we will make the emancipatory struggle even more widespread, to despotism, war, poverty, and women who are defeated by freedom and peace and liberation.
Undoubtedly, despotism will be overthrown and the spring of freedom and democracy of Iran will come.
With faith in victory and congratulations to all Christian compatriots

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