۱۳۹۶ دی ۶, چهارشنبه

.Iran: Suppression of Protest Rally Calling for Freedom of Political Prisoner Reza Shahabi


Iran: Suppression of Protest Rally Calling for Freedom of Political Prisoner Reza Shahabi


Tuesday, May 5th, repressive forces stormed a large number of students and workers and other strata of the people in front of the regime's ministry of labor, who had gathered to protest against the arrest of the worker political prisoner, Reza Shahabi, and arrested a number of them.
The repressive forces who were stationed in front of the Ministry of Labor and its surrounding since the dawn of Tuesday, tried to prevent the formation of the gathering and the people joining them by savagely attacking the protesters and arresting a large number of them. The number of detainees was more than 50.
One of the detainees was unconscious due to the severity of the blows and was taken to the hospital. The clerical regime was forced to release the detainees on bail in fear of rising protests.
Political prisoner Reza Shahabi was detained in June 2010 and sentenced to six years in prison. Because of his serious condition, he was taken to a hospital outside the prison for medical treatment on heavy bail and he was returned to jail in August. The clerical judiciary extended his imprisonment for more than a year under various excuses. In recent days, he has been in a difficult condition because of two successive strokes. However, despite the doctors' emphasis, the henchmen prevented him from being treated and returned him to prison.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 27, 2017

        در توئیتر با نام @ bahareazady  مطالب مارا  دنبال کنید

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