۱۳۹۶ اردیبهشت ۷, پنجشنبه

Obama’s nuke deal with Iran was a fraud

Obama’s nuke deal with Iran was a fraud

Toronto Sun, By Candice Malcolm
Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Islamic Republic of Iran is reportedly building a nuclear weapon — capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people — and we have only ourselves to blame for trusting and appeasing the fascists in Tehran.
For decades, we’ve known that Iran’s ruling mullahs are determined to enslave their own population and destroy Western powers.
This week, we have two new pieces of evidence of why we shouldn’t trust the Islamic Republic of Iran or its sympathizers in the West.
First, an Iranian opposition group revealed ways in which Iran is secretly advancing the weaponization of its uranium enrichment program, in violation of the 2015 nuclear agreement negotiated by the Obama administration.
That means Iran is cheating and breaking the rules of the historic nuclear deal.
According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Iran is conducting research at hidden facilities to produce materials banned by the deal, including triggers for nuclear bombs.
The NCRI says this research is being conducted at the Parchin military facility, a site that remains “off-limits” for international inspectors, thanks to the weak compliance mechanisms in former U.S. president Barack Obama’s deal.
“This is the site that has been kept secret,” said NCRI’s Washington spokesman, Alireza Jafarzadeh. “There is secret research to manufacture the bomb and basically cover up the real activities of the Iranian regime.”
Alongside news of Iran’s secret weapons program, shocking new details were uncovered about the back room negotiations between Obama’s officials and the Iranian mullahs to produce the joint nuclear agreement.
An investigative report by Josh Meyer of Politico revealed how Obama wasn’t “telling the whole story” about the Iran nuclear deal and an accompanying prisoner swap.
Obama released seven Iranian prisoners — individuals portrayed at the time as businessmen who were awaiting trial for “sanctions-related offenses (and) violations of the trade embargo.”
In reality, we now know, they were dangerous and high-ranking agents, considered to be a major threat to national security.
One was charged with smuggling military accessories and said to be responsible for the death of “hundreds of Americans” through weapons his network used in Iraq.
Another released prisoner was charged for his role in a network that procured thousands of materials from China that helped Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Obama was so desperate to make a deal with Iran, he allowed the release of Iranian spies who were actively supporting terrorist organizations and covertly building up Iran’s nuclear program.
Obama misled the public, and emboldened the maniacal rulers in Tehran.
The world is less safe, less secure, thanks to Obama’s deception and appeasement.
As Iran continues to advance towards nuclear capacity, Obama’s legacy should serve as a cautionary tale.
Instead, our own Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is picking up where Obama left off.
Trudeau is working to build a new relationship with Iran, lifting economic sanctions and allowing meetings between Canadian officials and Iran’s mullahs.
Trudeau, like Obama, is guided by a naïve policy of trust and appeasement.
Afraid to confront one of the most wicked regimes in history, liberal politicians in the West prefer to look the other way and hope Iran will moderate over time.
The regime in Tehran, however, deserves no such courtesies. It is brazenly building a nuclear weapons program before our eyes and bankrolling terrorist groups with agents all over the world.
Iran’s mullahs should not be trusted or appeased. They should be removed. And soon, before Iran’s nuclear dream becomes our nightmare. 
- See more at: http://iranprobe.com/explore/articles/us-iran-policy-obama%E2%80%99s-nuke-deal-with-iran-was-a-fraud.html#sthash.88a5nu62.dpuf
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