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ran continues effort to obtain WMD technology, says German intel

ran continues effort to obtain WMD technology, says German intel

June 2, 2018 - The Iranian regime continues its effort to obtain the necessary technology for weapons of mass destruction, according to an intelligence report issued last week by Germany’s Baden-Wurttemberg state, where a large number of the country’s specialized technology and engineering companies are based.
“Iran continued to undertake, as did Pakistan and Syria, efforts to obtain goods and know-how to be used for the development of weapons of mass destruction and to optimize corresponding missile delivery systems,” reads the document, reviewed by various outlets.
“Iran has continued unchanged the pursuit of its ambitious program to acquire technology for its rocket and missile delivery program,” the report reads, noting the September test of a mid-range Khorramshahr rocket.
Iran’s espionage measures in Germany focus in the area of politics, the economy, science, the military and the armaments industry, according to the counterespionage report.
The Baden-Württemberg intelligence officials say they have obtained “intensive intelligence on activities of Iran’s spy agencies.”
Back in February numerous media outlets reported Iranian businessmen purchasing material from the Krempel firm only to be later found in chemical rockets used in gas attacks targeting Syrian civilians earlier this year.
Released on May 24, the 345-page report provides extensive sections to Iran’s sponsorship of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Tehran’s spy agencies and state crackdown entities, including the Ministry of Intelligence & Security, and the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence.
The report also covers the Iranian regime’s continuing spying on Iranian dissidents residing in Germany who are against the mullahs ruling in Tehran.
Last year reports indicated Iran's efforts in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia aimed at advancing its nuclear and missile programs rendered "32 procurement attempts ... that definitely or with high likelihood were undertaken for the benefit of proliferation programs."
At a time when the U.S. is increasing pressures on the Iranian regime, there should be no question regarding the correct impact of these measures against the ruling mullahs.
Needed now is a united international front compelling the Iranian regime to bring an end to its long slate of belligerence. Such a coalition will be standing shoulder to shoulder with the Iranian people.

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