۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۱۷, پنجشنبه

Iran: A land of escalating of protests


Iran: A land of escalating of protests

Iran, June 7, 2018 - According to reports issued by the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), protests and strikes by workers and people from other walks of life continue across the country.
In Bandar Abbas, shipping yard workers protesting not receiving their paychecks for the past few months demonstrated outside the company building.
As truck drivers continue their nationwide strike, gas stations across the country, such as Nasimshahr in Tehran Province, faced fuel shortage for the third consecutive day. Drivers in the cities of Isfahan, Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, Kerman, Sanandaj, Chahbahar, Shiraz and others are refusing to deliver any goods.

Expanding initiative

In Varmin, near Tehran, employees of Farna Milk Factor held a protest rally outside the governor’s office demanding their paychecks that have been delayed for the past four months.
Employees of a petrochemical company in Port Mahshahr in southwest Iran were protesting policies leading to the expulsion of their colleagues.
Rental car drivers in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran, have been on strike during the past few days, protesting high fuel prices and low wages.
Chicken farm owners in Yazd rallied outside the municipality office protesting high prices of chicken food that is pushing many of them to bankruptcy. Kitchen farm owners in Garmsar also held a demonstration protesting high chicken food prices.

Bankruptcy, protest, and crackdown

Employees of the Ahvaz Drilling Company rallied outside the governor’s office earlier this week, protesting the company declaring bankruptcy and firing its employees.
Employees of Ahvaz’ 5th District were seen protesting not receiving their paychecks and insurance pensions for the past five months.
Not receiving paychecks and insurance pensions are resulting in numerous physical, psychological and family problems for them, one employee said. Another employee referred to the lack of job security, adding this issue has resulted major problems for the employees and park workers are seen fired from their jobs by contractors.
In further news, security forces were reported to have attacked 500 employees of the Ahvaz National Steel Industries Company as they protested their poor job conditions. Dozens of workers were injured from baton wounds.
Popular demonstrations are increasing on a daily basis despite the fact that the Iranian regime continues to quell individual and political freedoms. The people continue to protest the authorities inaction in regards to necessary economic reforms.
Workers protesting against their employers are increasing popular rage against the regime, escalating pressures on senior Iranian regime figures. The mullahs promised to improve the country’s economic conditions after the Iran nuclear deal signing, only to fail miserably in this regard.
Experts believe the wave of protests will increase after the U.S.’ exiting the nuclear pact and the return of sanctions. Experience shows arresting workers and quelling popular demands will only spark even further protests and strikes across the country.
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