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Iran: Tehran University students rally during Rouhani’s speech

Iran: Tehran University students rally during Rouhani’s speech

Iran, October 14, 2018 - Iranian regime President Hassan Rouhani delivered a speech in Tehran University on Sunday while students were holding a rally on campus and chanting college students are ready to die, but will not accept to live in shame.
The protesting college students were seen protesting near the building where Rouhani was delivering his remarks. “High prices, unemployment, Rouhani must provide answers.”

Gravely concerned of Tehran University students using this opportunity to hold anti-regime protests, Iranian regime authorities had previously made arrangements to prevent the students from entering the conference halls.
When Rouhani was in the Tehran University conference hall one female college student was seen shouting: “Why didn’t you provide permission for the students to enter the hall?”
The situation can be described as very tense in Iran.

Javanrood, Iran-teachers nationwide strike
Javanrood, Iran-teachers nationwide strike

On Sunday, teachers from over 50 cities across the country launched a nationwide strike, protesting poor economic and living conditions. The protesting teachers are also demanding the release of their jailed colleagues. Students in various cities are showing support for their protesting teachers.

Mofatteh school, Isfahan-teachers on strike
Mofatteh school, Isfahan-teachers on strike

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Teachers in dozens of cities across Iran are launching a nationwide strike on Sunday, protesting poor living conditions, problems with their jobs and heavy security measures imposed in their schools.

Nationwide teachers strike in Saghez at Motahhari high school
Nationwide teachers strike in Saghez at Motahhari high school

Teachers in the cities of Paveh, Islamabad-e Gharb, Yazd, Kermanshah, Shiraz, Marivan, Mashhad, Ilam, Gonabad, Torbat-e Heydariyeh, Tabriz, Amol, Garmeh, Lamerd, Sanandaj, Saqqez, Tehran (Quds Town), Sarvabad and a number of other towns and cities are seen to be on strike.
Students in various cities have announced their support for their teachers on this initiative.

 Progressive women of Tehran join teachers strike
Progressive women of Tehran join teachers strike

Other cities also include Mahabad, Khorramabad, Firouzazbad, Zarrin Shahr, Bojnourd, Javanrud, Sari, Karaj, Ivan-e Gharb, and others.
The protesting teachers are also calling for the release of their jailed colleagues.

Teachers of Kazerun on strike too
Teachers of Kazerun on strike too

Since anti-government demonstrations erupted throughout Iran in December, strikes have become a popular way for citizens of different walks of life and social classes to protest against the corruption and inefficiency of the Iranian regime.

Women teachers of Mashhad are also on Strike
Women teachers of Mashhad are also on Strike

This is the second time that Iranian teachers are going on strike. Earlier this year, teachers across the country took to the streets to protest against discrimination, imprisonment of political activists and economic woes. This round of strikes by teachers is happening in parallel to a widespread strike by truck drivers across the country, which has lasted for more than three weeks and has expanded to more than 300 cities across the country. Last week, a separate strike by merchants and shop owners reached dozens of cities.

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