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Why Iran’s regime seeks to prevent opposition convention

Why Iran’s regime seeks to prevent opposition convention

Paris, June 15, 2018 - Last year, one week after the Iranian Diaspora’s annual convention in Paris, the Tasnim news agency (associated to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force) wrote, “Regarding the PMOI/MEK session France, what goes beyond this convention are what is important.”
This is a reference to the impact this convention had on the domestic and international stage for the Iranian regime.
In the most expressive manner this rally voices to the world the Iranian people’s will for overthrowing the ruling mullahs; exemplifies the credibility and popularity of a democratic alternative available for the religious fascism ruling Iran; and sends a message to the world’s policymakers that the appeasement policy vis-à-vis this regime must be halted and they must begin acknowledging and respecting the Iranian people’s demand to topple the mullahs’ regime.
This year, following the Dec/Jan uprising and continuing protests and strikes in the past six months, following numerous economic crises that has brought the Iranian society on the brink of a major explosion, following the Iranian regime’s defeat in its nuclear deal with the West, and the mullahs’ Middle East terrorist policies ending in utter failure, the very subject of a call for regime change in Iran is striking fear in the Iranian regime’s entire apparatus more than ever before.
This year, 20 days before the annual rally – scheduled for June 30th – voices of concerns are heard from all corners of the mullahs’ regime.
The mullahs’ Foreign Ministry spokesman claimed last Sunday that the government of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has been involved in “discussions” with France “based on preventing the meeting” this year.
“The actions of those who authorize such meetings are wrong. This will have consequences for them. The PMOI/MEK have meetings now and then in France and the Islamic republic always expresses its protest,” Hamid Reza Ghasemi threatened.
Iran’s so-called MPs have also lashed out at the French government and/or written letters to the country’s National Assembly, along with other European institutions with the objective of hindering this convention.
“The PMOI/MEK’s commuting and holding sessions in European countries is in contradiction to the anti-terrorism fight raised by these countries,” said Hossein Naqavi-Hosseini, spokesman of the Security Commission in the Iranian regime’s parliament.
Such remarks indicate there is no longer any hope of a “European nuclear deal” with Iran’s regime.
“With their upcoming session, the PMOI/MEK are attempting to disrupt all our peaceful relations with Europe. This coming meeting is being held with the objective of impacting the European’s behavior. This is especially true in the current circumstances where we are involved in nuclear talks with Europe,” Naqavi-Hosseini added.
Iran’s so-called judiciary also shared its thoughts on this subject.
“The PMOI/MEK are active inside the country again. The Westerners believe the PMOI/MEK are a party that can take action inside Iran. Also, they can be an active political face abroad,” said Mohammad Javad Larijani, the judiciary chief’s deputy in international affairs.
All three branches of the Iranian regime raising their voice against the Iranian opposition’s convention, and this coming two weeks prior to the scheduled rally, vividly reflect the entire Iranian regime apparatus’ deep concerns of this major event.
Most of all Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei understands the impact of this convention on events inside the country and on the international stage.
This rally annually injects spirit into all members of the Iranian opposition’s vast network inside Iran, proving to them their voices are heard across the globe and that they enjoy vast international support.
And when the world witnesses the Iranian people’s widespread solidarity around the cause of toppling this regime, the call to recognize the main Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the objective of toppling the mullahs’ regime.
In one word, the Iranian opposition convention is a strong call inside the country and on the global stage for regime change in Iran. This is the exact message that terrifies the mullahs’ regime and results in such reactions.
Visit this website for more information on this year’s annual convention.

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