۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۲۶, شنبه

Dhow owners in southern Iran facing extreme difficulties

Dhow owners in southern Iran facing extreme difficulties

Iran, June 15, 2018 - It has been quite some time that dhow owners in Iran’s southern provinces are facing extreme difficulties and barely making ends meet. With a new bill adopted by the cabinet of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, “complete death” is awaiting these innocent people.
“Executing the government’s adopted bill will mean the complete death for the people of south seas,” according to the Iranian regime’s ILNA news agency.
The entire story circles around an old dilemma that dhow owners in the country’s south and other people across this area have been suffering from.
“120,000 people are directly dependent on products that dhow owners are authorized to import without paying customs. These are considered gifts they receive on each round of delivering goods to and from neighboring countries,” according to Abdolhamid Khedri, the MP representing Bushehr, Ganaveh and Daylam in the Iranian regime’s parliament.
“The lives of 80 percent of the population living near Daylam and Ganaveh ports are linked significantly to these products,” he added.
Locals have been protesting these bills passed by the Iranian regime for some time and each time authorities have been forced to back down from their intentions.
On December 23rd store-owners in Ganaveh held a rally and closed the local market, protesting the adoption of this bill.
On December 30th merchants of Ganaveh continued their strike for the 8th consecutive day and kept all their stores closed.
On February 26th a group of dhow owners in Port Dir held a rally outside the governor’s office, protesting the ban imposed on their specially authorized imports.

Numerous scenes of protests held by dhow owners
Numerous scenes of protests held by dhow owners

On February 28th, hundreds of dhow owners in Bushehr Province held a rally outside Bushehr’s customs office protesting the import ban.
The truth is the lives of the people living in the country’s southern ports, and the dhow owners and operators, are highly dependent on these specially authorized imports.
However, the economic pressures imposed by the regime and the unpopular bills are pushing more people into immense poverty, and many of the sailors are forced to leave town in search of new jobs.
As a result, while the people of southern Iran are living on an ocean of oil and their God-given wealth is being plundered by the ruling mullahs to provide for their ballistic missiles and export of terrorism, the lives of hardworking people in southern Iran and the dhow owners are being ruined due to utter poverty.

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