۱۳۹۷ تیر ۵, سه‌شنبه

PMOI/MEK networks in Iran voice support for opposition gathering in Paris

PMOI/MEK networks in Iran voice support for opposition gathering in Paris

Activists inside Iran are expressing their solidarity with the Free Iran Gathering

Iran, June 26, 2018 - PMOI/MEK supporters and activists inside Iran are expressing their solidarity with thousands of their compatriots who will be attending the Free Iran Gathering by writing slogans and posting posters on walls in different Iranian cities.
Scheduled for June 30, the Free Iran Gathering will be focused on introducing the alternative to the tyrannical rule of the Iranian regime and a vision for a free and democratic Iran.
What makes the Free Iran Gathering especially important is that it is being held against the backdrop of intensifying protests across Iran. Since December, when protests and uprisings flared up in more than 142 cities in Iran, tensions between the Iranian people and the regime have remained at high levels. Earlier this week, protests erupted in Tehran’s bazaar as the value of rial further sank against the dollar, and quickly spread to other areas of the city. The slogans, which were initially aimed at financial corruption and economic mismanagement, quickly became political in nature and targeted the regime and its authorities in their entirety. The demands of the Iranian people are now, more than ever, in line with what the Iranian opposition has been saying for decades.
The ongoing turmoil in Iran makes the Free Iran Gathering ever more important, and the people of Iran are looking forward to seeing their voices and demands resonate across the world in the great rally that will be held by the Iranian opposition.
Putting up posters of the Iranian opposition leader and NCRI president, Maryam Rajavi

Gorgan, Golestan

A group of MEK activists installed posters of Iranian opposition leader and NCRI president Maryam Rajavi on the walls of different buildings in the city. The activists have also posted a video, voicing their support for the PMOI and the cause of freedom in Iran.

Installing a banner in support of the Free Iran Gathering



Another group of MEK supporters has installed a banner in support of the Free Iran Gathering: We send our heartfelt salutations to Mrs. Rajavi. God willing, we will soon open the gates of Tehran for you and the National Liberation Army. We salute all our compatriots at the Free Iran Gathering 2018.
Another group of activists distribute posters in support of the Iranian gathering

Another group of activists has distributed posters in support of the Iranian opposition and the gathering across the city.

Another group of MEK supporters in Tehran has distributed posters which read: “Free Iran, uprisings with the bastions of rebellion and the Liberation Army.”
Another group of activists distribute posters in support of the Iranian gathering

In other parts of the city, MEK supporters have installed posters of Mrs. Rajavi and the Free Iran Gathering.
Distributing posters in support of the Iranian gathering


Minoudasht, Golestan

MEK activists in Minoudasht have sent pictures of themselves with posters in support of the Iranian opposition and the Free Iran Gathering.

Activists in Minou-dasht have sent pictures of themselves with posters



MEK supporters have posted a video of their activities in support of the great rally of the Iranian opposition, which contains the slogan of the gathering: “Uprisings with the bastions of rebellion.”
MEK supporters posted a video of their activities in support of the Paris Grand Rally

Another network of activists in Isfahan distributed posters of the Free Iran gathering in support of the Iranian opposition.

Another network of activists in Isfahan distribute posters in support of the Iranian opposition gathering.


Darab, Fars

Another group of Iranian opposition supporters has sent pictures of themselves holding handwritten posters in support of the Free Iran Gathering.

Isfahan, a network of activists distribute posters in support of the Iranian opposition gathering.


Karaj, Alborz

One of the MEK networks has compiled a video of their activities in support of the Iranian opposition rally in Paris, which depicts posters and banners posted in different parts of the city.
One MEK network inside Iran has compiled a video of their activities

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