۱۳۹۷ تیر ۶, چهارشنبه

IRAN: Continuation of Strike and Confrontation With Repressive Forces in Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, Arak, Kermanshah, Karaj and ...

IRAN: Continuation of Strike and Confrontation With Repressive Forces in Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, Arak, Kermanshah, Karaj and ...

Iran Uprising - No. 180
Demonstrations and clashes in different parts of Tehran, which began on Tuesday morning, continued until the end of the day. In addition to the central streets of Tehran and TehranPars in east of Tehran, the clashes were stretched to the south of Tehran, including the Shush street and square.
Strike of marketers and shopkeepers in many areas of Tehran, including in the markets of Naser Khosrow, 15 Khordad, and the jewelers market, the Ahangaran market in Moazzam al-Dowlah, Abbas Abad market, KIlouis market, Louti Salh passage shopkeepers, the furniture market in Delawaran Street, Complex, the great Iranians complex on Amin al-Mulk Street, Laleh Zar Street shopkeepers, continued.
On the street of Laleh Zar, the youth rallied against the repressive forces and resisted. Demonstrations and clashes in this street lasted almost all day long. A number of protesters were injured by gunfire of repressive forces. In many places, such as Ferdowsi market, Mellat Street and Ekbatan Street, young people confronted the firing of tear gas with a setting up fire. The streets have become the scene of youth encounter with riot guards.
The dimensions of the demonstrations and clashes were so much that in some parts of Tehran, in addition to the agents of the police and riot guards, and the criminals called plain clothes, on the orders of Khamenei the Revolutionary Guards entered the scene.
In addition to Tehran, Art & Rasteh Bazaar in Isfahan, Arg business complex in Kermanshah, Arak merchants, the indoor market and the gold traders market of Tabriz and the mobile market in Karaj and many parts of the country went on strike on Tuesday. People chanted in the Azadi Square of Isfahan that “Cannon, tank, firecracker, the mullahs must get lost”.
Young people in different parts of Tehran and in different cities in skirmishes with repressive forces chanted slogans of “Down with high prices; You shameless people, leave the country; Iranian dies, does not accept humiliation; Wow to the day we are armed; Let go of Syria, think about us.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 5, 1397 (June 26, 2018)

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