۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۱۵, سه‌شنبه

Education Crisis in Iran

Education Crisis in Iran

the early dropouts from schools, insufficient study spaces, shortages of teachers, unsafe class environments, and the deficiency of basic facilities, are some of the indications of a crisis in Iran’s education system.
Moreover, there are many incidents of sexual harassments, scandals of which have recently resurfaced in some schools, and taken away the hopes for a better future.
According to the Head of the Renovation Department, Mehrale Rakhshani, the quality of education (in terms of space and facility) is ‘under the poverty line’ and ‘in crisis’ in 11 provinces; Sistan and Baluchestan, Northern Khorasan, Alborz, Tehran, Qom, and Gilan, are on the top of this list. Many provinces are also on the verge of ‘poverty’, which leaves only a few with acceptable conditions.
Amongst the causes of education crisis, one is the decay of schools. Many institutes must undergo destruction and renovation; Rakhshani states that 27% of the schools must be renovated, and another 34% must be strengthened.
As of now, 1700 schools are made of portable materials, and 987 of clay; majority of the latter are based in Sistan and Baluchestan (ISNA 30th May 2018).
Budget cut for education
Despite the existing issues, some of which were discussed earlier, there is an ongoing cut to education budget.
On 24th December 2017, ISNA released a statement from a parliamentarian named Haji Babaei: “the annual budget share for education has reduced from 16% to 9%, this year”.
According to Babaei, Iran’s expenditure per student is on average, 1/5th of a student in a developed country.
Whilst illiteracy is being eradicated or at least minimised in many countries, it is only worsening in Iran; Illiterates and semi-literates are unfortunately growing in number, standing at 10 million and 15 million, respectively; which is of no surprise when instead of implementing measures of improvement, government officials continue to plunder the national wealth and spend it for malicious intents such as terrorism and warfare.

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