۱۳۹۷ دی ۲۶, چهارشنبه

Protests in Tehran, Mashhad and Ahvaz

Protests in Tehran, Mashhad and Ahvaz

Reported by PMOI/MEK

Iran, Jan. 15, 2019 - On Monday, several cities across Iran witnessed protests by angry people whose rights have been trampled by the Iranian regime and its affiliated companies and organizations.


Tehran: demonstrations by customers of Saipa vehicle manufacturer

In Tehran, angry customers of Saipa, an Iranian vehicle manufacturing company, held demonstrations in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Commerce. The protesters are demanding the delivery of their purchased vehicles, which have been delayed for more than a year. Some of the customers of Saipa made their purchases in 2016 and have not yet received their vehicles.
Protests over undelivered purchases and hiking prices of Saipa have been ongoing for several months. Saipa is one of Iran’s largest auto manufacturers and a publicly traded company. Its main shareholder is an investment company owned by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Commerce. That’s why the customers are regularly protesting in front of the ministry’s headquarters.

Demonstrations by customers of Saipa vehicle manufacturer in Tehran
Demonstrations by customers of Saipa vehicle manufacturer in Tehran

Tehran: Protests by customers of Sekeh Samen in front of the Justice Ministry office

Elsewhere in Tehran, the customers of Sekeh Samen, an online trading platform for precious metals, gathered in front of the offices of the justice ministry and protested to the plundering of their wealth by this state-approved company.
Sekeh Samen started work in 2016, providing tools for online trading of precious metals. The company had been widely promoted by the Gold and Jewelry Union, a government organization that oversees the trade of precious metal. But in August, the company stopped providing services, claiming it was conducing technical maintenance.
The company never brought back its trade instrument online and didn’t return the funds of the people who had purchased from its website. Thousands of Iranians have made purchase from the website, and many are now regularly holding demonstrations, demanding their deposits returned and the people behind the scheme brought to justice.

Protests by customers of Sekeh Samen online trading hub
Protests by customers of Sekeh Samen online trading hub


Protests by municipality workers of Tehran

Workers of Tehran municipality gathered in the Rezaii (Haft-e Tir) Square and held demonstrations in protest to unpaid wages.


Second day of protests by workers of Ahvaz urban train

For the second consecutive day, the workers of the urban train project of Ahvaz held demonstrations in protest to unpaid wages. The demonstration was held in front of the headquarters of the Organization of Urban Train of Ahvaz and Suburbs.
The workers have not received their wages for nine months.

Protests by workers of Ahvaz Urban Train Company
Protests by workers of Ahvaz Urban Train Company


Tehran: Protests by retired teachers

A group of teachers and retired teachers held demonstrations in front of the offices of the Teacher Retirement Organization. The teachers are protesting to inefficient insurance programs and are demanding for complementary insurance policies that take into consideration both working and retired teachers. In tandem with the demonstrations, the teachers have been conducting a social media campaign for better insurance rights. Tens of thousands of people have joined the online campaign.
The teachers were chanting, “We’re raising our voice because of this tyranny.”
In previous days, teachers held demonstrations in front of the buildings of the Teachers’ Fund and demanded larger shares for retired teachers from the dividends of this fund.

Protests by teachers in Tehran
Protests by teachers in Tehran

Mashhad: protests by customers of Caspian financial institution

In East of Iran, a group of customers of the notorious Caspian Credit Institution held demonstrations in Mashhad and protested to the theft of their wealth and investments by the company. The protesters held banners which read, “They stole our money, your turn is next compatriot,” “Where is my money,” “We won’t stop until we reclaim our rights.”
Caspian is one of several financial institutions that were established with help and backing of regime officials and the Revolutionary Guards. These institutions absorbed billions of dollars from Iranian people with promises of providing quick return on investments. But in 2017, Caspian and four other credit institutions filed for bankruptcy, taking investors’ money with them.
Since then, the customers of these institutions have been regularly protesting and demanding the return of their investments. The protesters hold the government accountable for the current situation and know that governement officials were complicit in the fraud scam.

Protests by customers of Caspian credit institution
Protests by customers of Caspian credit institution

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