۱۳۹۷ مهر ۲, دوشنبه

Iran: New York Event in Support of Regime Change

Iran: New York Event in Support of Regime Change

By Staff Writer
On Saturday 22nd September, a huge crowd of Iranian-Americans took part in a gathering named “2018 Iran Uprising Summit: The Path to Freedom – the Alternative”. European and American politicians spoke at the event that was organised by the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC). The purpose of the event was to voice support for the ongoing protests that are still happening across Iran. The speakers, including panels of young people from Iranian communities, called on the international community to show support for the people of Iran and the Resistance in their quest for regime change.
Adviser and lawyer to U.S. President Donald Trump, former mayor of New York City and long-time supporter of the Iranian Resistance Rudy Giuliani emphasised that the people of Iran are “entitled to freedom and democracy” and said that the regime’s terrorist operations are increasing against the opposition. He said: “I must say to the Iranian government, you must be truly afraid of being overthrown. We will not forget that you have murdered many, many Americans. You have taken our diplomats hostage to humiliate us. We understand who our friends are and who our enemies are. And you are our enemy.”
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), spoke to the crowd via teleconference. She emphasised that this gathering is a significant contribution in the fight to free Iran from religious tyranny. She said that developments in Iran are accelerating, meaning that freedom is getting closer, especially because of the protests that have been ongoing since the end of 2017.
Mrs. Rajavi highlighted that the Iranian regime is very fearful of the role of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK) and the resistance units in leading and continuing the uprisings. The uprisings, she said, are the key. “The roadmap for freedom reveals itself in these very uprisings, in ceaseless protests, and in the struggle of the Resistance Units.”
The leader also spoke about the political, economic and international pressure that the regime is under, making it very close to collapse.
Finally, Mrs. Rajavi called on the United Nation’s Security Council to address Iran’s human rights violations, including the massacre of political prisoners, and its belligerence and export of terrorism in the Middle East. She called for binding measures to force the regime to stop. She also pointed out that the overthrow and establishment of a free Iran are the responsibility of the Resistance and the people of Iran but urged support in this endeavour that will contribute to peace in the region. Mrs. Rajavi also called for an end to the regime’s “financial lifelines” that allow it to remain in power.

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