۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۴, یکشنبه

The Suppressive State of Universities in Iran

The Suppressive State of Universities in Iran

By Staff Writer
Iranian government shut down all student associations as a way to control students and universities after the 2009 protests in Iran, in which many students participated. The government also decreased the number of independent students by increasing government quotas in universities. By 2011, mostly designated students entered universities.
The quotas currently in place in universities are based on the following:
1. Students who are members of the paramilitary Bassij forces
2. Students from the families of dead soldiers or injured veterans from the Iran-Iraq war called “Isargaran” by the government
3. Students affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Ministry of the Jihad Agriculture (affiliated with the IRGC)
4. Other students who do not fit the above categories
Students who belong to the first three categories have a better chance of entering university than students who do well on the very competitive Nationwide University Entrance Exams in Iran. In fact, 75% of university students are affiliated with the government and paramilitary forces.
Activism in the university is immediately stopped. For example, a female student of Alameh University was detained for giving a speech on Student Day 2016 and sentenced to one and half years in prison, as well as a two-year travel ban by a court.
Recently, the quota for the families of veterans and those who volunteered at the war front for at least six months has increased by 5%. This means that the quota for the “Isargaran” which translates to the “Givers” or “Those Who Have Sacrificed”, a term used for war veterans by the regime, has increased to 30%.
Issue such as this have compromised the credibility of the Iranian scientific community. The admission rate for non-quota volunteers in the medical and dental assistant fields, is only 35%, while the rest is allocated to those affiliated with the Bassij and Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Public universities are now required to attract foreign students at the master’s degree and Ph.D. levels. Foreign students from countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, and Pakistan are then expected to bring culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran to their own countries and support the regime. They receive scholarships, and the Iranian government pays their dorm expenses and other educational facilities.
While engineering and medical sciences majors require hands-on facilities and laboratories, Iranian universities lack such facilities.
An order issued by the Supreme Leadership Organization has segregated Sunni students and students from other religious minorities from Shiite students, and any of their religious programs or activities must be approved, and have a permit from the Supreme Leadership Organization and the University Security Organization. Sunni congregational prayer is prohibited, and Sunni students are not permitted to perform prayers or special religious programs in the dormitories or public areas of the university.
Another order requires books and educational textbooks to receive permits in order to be used in the curriculum. According to a chart issued by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (the ministry of higher education), certain frameworks have been introduced in relation to the use of textbooks by professors, which seek to create an atmosphere consistent with the values of the Islamic Republic.
CCTV systems were installed in universities during the summer. They were also installed in parks and other recreational areas, as well as busses. According to an informed source, hearing devices have even been installed in some crowded areas.
Students are now forced to give IDs to use internet in university internet cafés, and are given a specific time limitation. CCTV cameras track all students’ communication and internet use. The university Wi-Fi, which is free of charge, can only be used once you receive a password — issued only with a student card, national card number, or the serial number or MAC address of your cellphone, tablet or laptop.

The entry of personal vehicles belonging to students, professors, and staff has been banned. Taxis are prohibited, except with the permission of the Security Organization and a transportation card. University professors and staff must register their vehicles and receive a transportation card to enter.
Photograph, images, and symbols contrary to the standards of the Islamic system are prohibited in the dormitory environment and subject to punishment. Unauthorized music is prohibited and subject to punishment. Clothing not deemed as conforming to Islamic values is forbidden. Students must inform the dorm management of travel outside of the dorm area. Non-students are banned from entering the dorm unless coordinated with the dorm management. Gatherings in the dormitory environment are prohibited, except with a permit from the dormitory management and the University Security Organization.
Female students must be veiled at all times in the dorm area and any kind of contact with the outside should be with the knowledge of the dorm management.
Cultural or religious ceremonies in the dorm area are prohibited, except with the permission of the University Security Organization and with the presence of their representative in the ceremony.
It is illegal for Sunni clerics to be in the dormitory except in the presence of a representative from the Security Organization. Political, cultural, and artistic individuals, or activists are prohibited except with the permission of the Security Organization and the presence of their representative.

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