۱۳۹۷ تیر ۱۶, شنبه

Iran: Qassem Soleimani Supports Rouhani’s Threat to Cut off Regional Oil

Iran: Qassem Soleimani Supports Rouhani’s Threat to Cut off Regional Oil

By Staff Writer
In response to the recent announcement of the United States with regards to oil sanctions, the president of the Iran’s regime Hassan Rouhani, made a statement in an unusual threatening tone; which seems to have further irritated the United States and its allies across the world.
In a gathering of Iranian residents of Switzerland, Rouhani stated: “It makes no sense why Iran shouldn’t be able to continue exporting its oil; those who attempt to disrupt our oil exports will be facing consequences”.
According to the regime’s media (June 4th), Major-General Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s terrorist Quds Force, has praised these “wise and correct” remarks and declared his support for Rouhani: “I kiss your (Rouhani’s) hand for expressing such wise and timely comments, and I am at your service to implement any policy that serves our Islamic Republic”.
In his letter to Rouhani, Soleimani added: “we are very proud of what we have heard from you through social media, and value your words regarding the Islamic Republic’s stand on the Zionist regime, as well as the issue of oil export; i.e., that if Iran’s oil export is disrupted, the regional oil export may too”.
The military of the United States acknowledged these threats by reminding Iran that it (as well as its allies) is fully prepared to face off, should Iran go ahead and block its straits of Hormuz; it also warned Iran to leave the existing routes of Persian Gulf open for oil extractors.
According to Associated Press newsagency (4th July), the spokesman of the US military’s Central Command, Captain Bill Urban, said: “The navy forces of US and its allies stand ready to ensure the freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce wherever international law allows".
On Monday, the foreign ministry of the US also confirmed its intention of wanting to force Iran to change its ways, by blocking its oil exports and thereby adding more pressure on its sanctions.
The Senior Policy Advisor of the Secretary of State, Brian Hook, who’s currently leading the negotiations of US with allies regarding the new strategies against Iran, emphasised that there is enough number of oil resources in the world, for Iran’s oil to be excluded from the picture.
Following the US exit from the nuclear deal with Iran (i.e., the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also referred to as BARJAM) in May 2018, the treasury of the US ordered for more severe sanctions to be implemented against Iran, within 90 days. In the second stage of this plan, Iran’s import and export of oil are also going to be included in the sanctions, which is expected to be implemented within 180 days, i.e., effective from 4th November. This will include any financial ties with the national and international oil companies of Iran, as well as any affiliating companies through which oil extractors buy or sell oil and other petrochemical products.

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