۱۳۹۷ تیر ۷, پنجشنبه



By INU Staff
INU - The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on 15th May that Britain should not pursue regime change because the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the commander of its Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani would seize power in Iran. Many of his colleagues disagreed, but could this happen?
The Iranian regime was established in 1979 by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. After the Supreme Leader, the IRGC is the most powerful organisation in the country. It has a huge budget and it controls a huge portion of the country’s economy.
After the 2009 protests following the presidential elections, the Supreme Leader gave the IRGC further power that enabled it to further engrain itself in the Iranian economy and political system. This has secured the organisation’s interests and has protected the regime from financial and political collapse.
An anonymous US State Department source has said that Rouhani’s government has indicated that full power will be transferred to the IRGC if the US attempted to pursue regime change.
However, the people of Iran are overwhelmingly in favour of removing the regime and a survey that was carried out indicates that a large majority of people would like regime change.
Analysts predict that the Supreme Leader is going to increase the IRGC’s power and let it control the whole political system and a new president will be appointed – most likely Qassem Soleimani. This will then mean that the country is run by IRGC generals.
The Iranian authorities are trying to blame the major uprising and ongoing protests on the PMOI / MEK opposition group and foreign governments have been accused of playing a role in the organisation of protests.
Whatever leadership the people want for a future Iran, one thing is for sure – the people want peace, democracy, stability and the respect of human rights. These are things that the people have been denied for decades and change is long overdue.
The Iranian regime is completely incapable of reform despite what many believe or hope.
It has brutally supressed the protesters that took part in the major uprising at the beginning of the year because it knows that it is in a very delicate position. It is very close to collapse as it in under pressure from all angles. The government is showing serious signs of strain as the infighting between the factions is becoming more and more evident.
The people of Iran want the domestic issues to be resolved and they are angry that the country’s wealth is being plundered on conflicts abroad, namely in Syria and Yemen. Poverty in Iran is on the increase but the authorities are ignoring the issue and continuing to send resources to other nations in the Middle East. During the recent protests, people are heard chanting “Leave Syria and do something for us”. The people’s needs are not even accounted for.

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