۱۳۹۷ دی ۲۸, جمعه



By INU Staff
INU- The Iranian Regime has been publically fuming over the ministerial summit on peace and security in the Middle East since US secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced it last Friday.
Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif called the summit “disappointing” and “anti-Iranian circus”, according to Iranian state-run television, even criticising Poland for hosting the event.
While Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament, referred to the summit as a form of “psychological warfare”, which would be a “losing battle” for the US, and asked for the Regime to provide a “decisive response” to Poland, something “beyond a simple complaint”.
This is to be expected because Iran is still reeling from the recent European sanctions levied against it for terrorist activity on the Green Continent and the significant delay in Europe actually creating the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to maintain trade with Iran despite US sanctions. Poland hosting this summit is further evidence that Europe may be turning against Iran.
News site Asr-e Iran, which is close to President Hassan Rouhani’s faction, actually admitted that Iran is strategically weak and faces incredible problems on this front.
It wrote: “Iranian officials only considered it from the angle of bilateral relationships between the [Iranian] regime and Poland and also the hostile relationships between Washington and Tehran. They didn’t try to turn it into a European-Islamic Republic issue; especially when the EU has passed new sanctions against the [Iranian] regime’s intelligence community.”
The Iranian Foreign Ministry stepped up their criticism of the conference, but still refrained from escalating it into an EU-Islamic Republic confrontation, knowing that they would not win that war.
Spokesperson Bahram Qassemi said: “In response to hosting the hypocrites [the Iranian regime’s official term for the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)] by Poland. There is no doubt that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s response to this act will be very serious and without any appeasement and considerations.”
He continued: “Poland must be held responsible for the consequences of this hosting and accept the responsibility for the outcome of participating and hosting a summit against an independent country, unless the Polish government eventually makes a wise move and changes the direction of this summit to something different than what is mentioned in its invitations.” 
The level of threat shown here is very unusual for diplomatic talks, but what is notable is how much the Regime clearly fears the MEK. They are correlating a summit aimed at ensuring containing the Iranian regime’s malign behaviour in the Middle East with hosting the MEK, showing clearly where the Regime’s red line is.
The Regime is not scared of the summit, they are scared of the threat that the MEK poses to their rule. The mullahs are more than ready for sanctions or war, but they know that they will not be able to withstand the MEK, which is popular inside and outside of Iran. They cannot tolerate the idea that the MEK, with its tolerant interpretation of Islam and respect for human rights, will someday soon be ruling Iran.
The world should recognise this and throw their support behind the MEK in order to overthrow the Regime, which is the true wish of the Iranian people, and bring about a Free Iran.

مطالب   مارا در وبلاک انجمن نجات ایران    ودر توئیتربنام @bahareazady   دنبال کنید
پیش بسوی قیام  سراسری ، ما بر اندازیم#   شهرهای ایران   اعتصاب # تظاهرات
سرنگونی #  اتحادوهمبستگی

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