Iran Is in a Very Explosive Situation Now
FURIOUS Iranian steelworkers in the city of Ahvaz in oil-rich Khuzestan province, southwest Iran, are continuing to strike in defiance of President Hassan Rouhani’s brutal regime
On Monday night, dozens of workers were arrested during raids to their homes, as they pleaded for their basic human rights. But the protests continued and workers chanted: “Imprisoned workers should be freed.” The demonstrations took place despite the heavy presence of security forces attempting to thwart freedom of expression and intimidate the demonstrators.
Sam Stevenson wrote in Daily Express and continued:
The disenfranchised Iranians were demanding their salaries, which have been unpaid for months, improvement of work conditions and other fundamental rights.
Workers, being threatened by repressive forces, said they would continue their demonstrations until the release of those arrested.
The disillusioned workforce from different parts of Iran expressed their solidarity with Ahvaz workers and called for the immediate release of the detainees.
The official Iranian Resistance movement - National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) - saluted the brave and adamant workers of the city.
They described the brutal and mass arrests on Sunday night and on Monday as an indication of the frustration of “religious fascism” in the face of the strikes and protests of workers.
The pro-regime-change faction called on all workers and youth and students, especially in Ahvaz and Khuzestan, to “support the striking workers of Ahvaz”.
NCRI representative Hossein Abedini told “The Iranian resistance salutes the brave and courageous workers of Ahvaz.
“The mass arrests on Sunday night and on Monday is an indication of the frustration of religious fascism in the face of the strikes and protests of workers.
“We call on all workers and youth and students, especially in Ahvaz and Khuzestan province, to support the striking workers of Ahvaz.
“We call on all workers and youth and students, especially in Ahvaz and Khuzestan province, to support the striking workers of Ahvaz.
“We the NCRI also call on international human rights and workers' rights advocates and workers’ unions and syndicates in different countries to support the striking workers who are protesting for their basic rights, and to take necessary measures for the release of the arrestees.”
The NCRI also demanded international human rights and workers' rights advocates and workers’ unions and syndicates in different countries to support the striking workers who are protesting for their basic rights, and to take necessary measures for the release of the arrestees.
It is difficult to find any city in Iran in 2018 which has not witnessed mass protests, unlike in 2017 when only a few centres saw strikes, according to Iran News Wire.
Various sectors of Iran’s society including workers, teachers, students, bazaar merchants, truck drivers, pensioners, employees and depositors who lost their deposits to government-affiliated credit institutions, have rallied on an almost daily basis in 2018.
Various sectors of Iran’s society including workers, teachers, students, bazaar merchants, truck drivers, pensioners, employees and depositors who lost their deposits to government-affiliated credit institutions, have rallied on an almost daily basis in 2018.
Mr Abedini said: “Iran is in a very explosive situation now.
“The Iranian people believe the regime is rotten in its entirety.
“During the protests, people have been shouting ‘down with Khamenei’ and ‘death to Rouhani’.”
Source: Daily Express
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