۱۳۹۷ مهر ۱, یکشنبه

Iran: Truck drivers launch new wave of strike & protests

Iran: Truck drivers launch new wave of strike & protests


Iran, Sept. 22, 2018 - According to a previous measure of coordination, truck drivers in a variety of cities across Iran launched a new wave of protests on Saturday.

Incoming reports indicate truckers in Yazd, Mashhad, Karaj, Neka, Sanandaj, Bukan, Dezful, Bardsir, Borujerd, Isfahan, Shapur Jadid, Qazvin, Urmia, Bandar Abbas, Bandar Khomeini & the Khorram Abad/Pol-e Dokhtar route went on strike today.

These drivers are protesting low paychecks, skyrocketing prices spare parts prices and not receiving any answers to their demands.

This is the latest show of protest by Iran’s truckers.
Here is a look at the August episode of truck drivers launching strikes that has the potential of having a crippling effect over the mullahs’ control on the economy.
August 25, 2018 - On Tuesday, truck drivers in Mashhad and Shapur, Isfahan, went on strike in protest to high prices, low income, lack of access to spare parts, and the government’s inefficiency in addressing their demands.
Videos obtained from both cities show truckers lining up their vehicles along the streets and refusing to load or move cargo. The Shapur Jadid terminal is lined with a large number of trucks parked in protest. “Their protest is to low wages and the high prices of spare parts for their vehicles,” says a local reporter.
In the Ahvaz road, truck drivers have gathered with their vehicles and composed a procession of empty cars in protest to the government’s unresponsiveness to their demands. “The drivers have gathered here in the Ahvaz road because they’re living in misery and unemployment,” says a local reporter.
The recent months have seen several extended strikes by the truck drivers of Iran in different cities. The Iranian regime’s corruption and mismanagement of the economy has had its toll and is affecting the lives of Iranians of all walks of life.
As with other protests, Iranian authorities have failed to respond to the needs of the striking truck drivers, but their attempts to intimidate them and force them to return to work have not been effective either

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