۱۳۹۷ مرداد ۲۴, چهارشنبه



By INU Staff
INU - As the Iranian anti-regime uprising has grown over the past few months, the role of the Iranian opposition has become a sensitive topic for the ruling mullahs. The Iranian Regime has been forced to acknowledge that these so-called fringe groups are actually directing the protests in Iran, which means that they clearly hold a lot more power than the mullahs have publically credited them with.
These protests, encouraged in March by the president-elect of the Iranian Resistance Maryam Rajavi, have reached an impasse with the Regime. The people are calling for regime change and shouting “Death to the dictator”, despite a brutal and bloody crackdown by the mullahs, and the protests are only getting stronger as the Resistance organises them more effectively.
The reality is that the Regime always knew that the Resistance, particularly the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), was strong and organised, but hoped to hide it from the world to keep their grip on power. They also tried to hide the fact that the MEK is beloved by the Iranian people. However, these protests have destroyed any notion that the MEK is weak and so the Regime must try another tactic.
Now, various Regime members, from parliamentarians to the Foreign Ministry representative to President Hassan Rouhani must take to the media to express “concern” over the MEK’s role in Iran and even try to smear them as foreign “enemies” of Iran. To be clear, the MEK is not an enemy of Iran, but an enemy of the Regime, as are most Iranians.
Recently, the Iranian regime’s judiciary spokesman, said: “The people are angry… they might throw an insult at the state… However, we must draw our lines in the sand. The most important issue is that a PMOI/MEK is not involved… if they are not involved, we must tolerate people insulting us.”
The Regime is now so scared of the influence of the MEK that the Ministry of Intelligence has produced a report on the role of the MEK resistance units inside Iran. These concerns are understandable. After all, the MEK is the only group in Iran capable of organising and sustaining this level of anti-regime protest, something that will only become evident in the months to come. The MEK is the biggest threat to the Iranian Regime’s continued rule.
Indeed, that is why the Regime has tried so hard to wipe the MEK out inside Iran and even through continued attacks on MEK members in Iraq and around the world. This day was always coming and now the Regime must face the consequences.

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