۱۳۹۷ مرداد ۲۱, یکشنبه

Iran Regime Blames the PMOI (MEK) for the Ongoing Protests

Iran Regime Blames the PMOI (MEK) for the Ongoing Protests

By Mahmoud Hakamian
With the fast expansion of the ongoing protests against the Iranian Regime, many of its officials are pointing their fingers at the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran  (PMOI/MEK). Case in point, Iran’s current Minister of Defence and Brigadier General, Amir Hatami: “Since 1981, our enemies have been making every attempt to create a rift between us and people, and ultimately to put an end to our government’s existence” (News of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps [IRGC], 4 August 2018).
Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, current Commander-in-Chief comments: “Many are rallying in the streets with the excuse of economic problems, whereas they’re actually heard chanting about Syria instead; the fact that they (MEK) are so bothered by our influence in Syria, just proves how right we are in sending our forces there” (the journalist club of Basij, 5 August 2018).
According to the Deputy Chief of Sarallah Headquarters, who’s in charge of the regime’s safety within the Tehran Province: “Our enemies (MEK) are claiming ownership of the current situation, to their own advantage. They think that by adding (themselves) to the picture of Islamic Republic, they can cause us more problems” (a state-run media outlet, 6 August 2018).
Salman Samani, a spokesperson of Iran’s Interior Ministry, also comments: “Over the past month, certain people (MEK) have been sending dozens of invitations on a very wide scale, via online platforms, regarding the subject of inflation and other challenges of the public’s life”. He adds: “According to our investigations, only a minority of the protests have stemmed from legitimate economic concerns; the elements behind the remainder have been solely interested in using the current turmoil to their personal advantage” (a state-run newspaper, 6 August 2018).
As published by the News Centre of the IRGC, on 4 August 2018:
“Certain rebellious groups (MEK), who left Camp Ashraf years ago and sought a temporary residence in Camp Liberty instead, have changed their strategies over time and now, seem to have re-adopted their old ways from the 80’s. With their ongoing support from Maryam Rajavi, they have been able to resume their malicious activities, starting from a small scale, and gradually developing them into bigger ones. Their most preferred path of communication seems to have been through online platforms, which they’ve utilized to spread turbulence across our nation; as has been witnessed December last year, they have been looking for and using every opportunity to extend their networks, which have often been found to consist of 2 to 5-membered groups”.
A Chief Police Officer named Mehri also shares his two cents: “This year is an important one! Considering the current situation, our authorities must ensure maintaining strength when facing the stressful conspiracies of our enemies… they (MEK) are devising malicious plans against us” (Fars, 13 July 2018).
Alireza Arafi, a Friday Prayer Imam from Qom states: “The anti-revolution organisations (MEK) are dreaming of our subversion. They have begun their attack via economic challenges, and thereby via a wave of turbulence which has been observed across our nation; they are hoping that this would weaken and ultimately shatter us over time” (Tasnim, 13 July 2018).
A former parliamentarian named Emad Afroogh, adds:
“Watching Trump and others (MEK) threatening our government is quite painful. I’m wondering who to hold accountable for our current circumstances! Although, people are becoming more aware and are no longer easy to fool. The contrast between the protests and observed actions will eventually disappoint our people, and consequently, lead to the trigger of a new set of movements within them” (Asr-e-Iran, 14 July 2018).
The head of Iran’s Civil Defence Organisation, Gholamreza Jalali, comments in the same regard: “This year is a special one. As also pointed out by our Wilayat-e-Faqih, we are at a very sensitive turn in our history of revolution, which we must try to overcome with success. One special feature of this year is that our enemies have made their intentions clearer than ever, which is to do everything in their power to get rid of our Islamic Republic. Their (MEK) footsteps can be seen all over the recent events of Khoramshahr” (Tasnim, 14 July 2018).
Abolfazl Tavakoli Bina, from the Coalition Party, also expresses his opinion:
“Today, our government is facing a very serious challenge. The enemy (MEK), is trying to cause disturbance in all parts of our country and separate people from government. They’re using the existing problems to their own benefit. For that reason, we have been arresting many of them over the past two months..” (15 July 2018).
As specified by Maryam Rajavi in her speech from last month, 5 signs are indicative of an upcoming overthrown (of Iran’s regime) and people’s ultimate victory:
“(1) Many young protestors have turned against the pretentious reformists of the regime.
(2) there has been a steadfast increase in the observed protests, ever since December 2017.
(3) the initial economic and social movements (regarding the millions of lives being under the poverty line, the increasing gap between different social classes, the uncontrollable rises in inflation, the expanding unemployment rates, the water shortages, as well as the recent disconnections of electricity across many regions) have matured into some explosive and irreversible movements which are specifically targeting the subversion of the regime of mullahs.
(4) the collapsing of appeasement (as evident in the exit of US from the previous nuclear deal with Iran, as well as in the continuity and intensifying of sanctions especially considering the recent addition of oil and weapons to the list of restrictions) which is sure to take away the power of the regime, and weaken its attempts at warmongering in the middle east, as well as its labelling and oppression of its opposing forces, and more importantly.
(5) the union of Iran’s long-suffering people with the NCRI, which the regime seems to fear the most”.

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