۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۰, چهارشنبه

US State Dept: “Iran uses embassies as cover to plot terrorist attacks

US State Dept: “Iran uses embassies as cover to plot terrorist attacks

July 11, 2018
 - Less than two weeks after the Iranian opposition convention in Paris where a massive crowd and a large number of international dignitaries joined to express their support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) coalition as the alternative for the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran, and the following foiling of a terror plot blueprinted by Tehran involving the arrest of an Iranian diplomat and five other individuals in Belgium, Germany and France, the U.S. State Department held a briefing on Tuesday specifically saying the Iranian regime is using its embassies “as cover to plot terrorist attacks.”
This briefing also covered meetings between State Department officials and their counterparts abroad.
“We discussed new ways to deprive the regime of revenues to terrorize people and to terrorize other nations. We discussed how Iran uses embassies as cover to plot terrorist attacks,” the senior State Department official explained.
“The most recent example is the plot that the Belgians foiled, and we had an Iranian diplomat out of the Austrian embassy as part of the plot to bomb a meeting of Iranian OPPOSITION leaders in Paris. And the United States is urging all nations to carefully examine diplomats in Iranian embassies to ensure their countries’ own security. If Iran can plot bomb attacks in Paris, they can plot attacks anywhere in the world, and we urge all nations to be vigilant about Iran using embassies as diplomatic cover to plot terrorist attacks,” the official added.
The Iranian regime has a history of plotting and staging terror attacks in the Green Continent.
“The most recent plot in Europe by Iranians is another chapter in a long history that dates back to 1984, when Iran was starting these hijackings on commercial airliners, bombings, assassinations,” the official continued.
“So, when you look at what Iran has done just in Europe since 1984 and continuing up to the present, all nations need to exercise vigilance to protect themselves against the Iranian threat. And this is only the most recent example of Iran using diplomatic cover to plot terrorism. And we certainly want all countries to make good decisions about their own security, and we think Iran presents an enduring threat to nations, and they need to be vigilant.”
When asked if the State Dept. takes the arrest of an Iranian regime diplomat seriously, the official confirmed and added, “We are working very closely with the Belgians and the Austrians and the Germans to get to the bottom of this plot to conduct a bomb attack in Paris that had two Americans speaking, attending.”
In reference to a question on the party responsible the State Dept. officially explicitly said Washington believes the Iranian regime was behind this plot and described as “ludicrous” Tehran’s claims of this being a “false flag” plot carried out by the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

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