۱۳۹۷ تیر ۲۶, سه‌شنبه


by Poorang Novak
It was reported at the beginning of the month that the Federal Prosecutor’s Office and the Federal Intelligence and Security Agency of Belgium had thwarted a major terrorist plot in which the Iranian regime was involved.
A Belgian couple with Iranian descent were arrested near Brussels after participating in a meeting in which they were instructed to set a bomb off on the outskirts of Paris on Saturday 30th June.
The date and place are hugely significant because it was the location and timing of the grand gathering that is annually held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the main opposition to the Iranian regime.
Another person was also arrested. His name is Assadollah Assadi and he is a diplomat that was once one of the highest-ranking officials at the Iranian embassy in Vienna. He was also part of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) under the Rouhani administration. His arrest took place in Germany as he travelled back home after meeting the couple. Authorities say that he was the liaison person for the attack.
Towards the end of last week, Assadi was charged for conspiracy to commit murder.
Although it may seem rather alarming that the Iranian regime has planned to carry out a terrorist attack on European soil, it is not that far-fetched. Since the revolution in 1979, the clerical regime ruling Iran has carried out a number of assassinations in Europe and has sponsored at least 10 terrorist attacks.
At the end of last year, the people of Iran initiated a huge uprising in which millions of people across the country made their discontent known and heard. It is clear that the people will be the force behind regime change in the country and they are determined for it to happen soon. The Iranian regime is also well aware of this and the people of the country are its biggest threat. It blamed the opposition for organising the protests.
Iran’s MOIS is on a mission to help the regime survive. By countering the threat of the opposition.
Earlier this year, Tirana in Albania was also muddled in the affair. The small nation with a big heart warmly welcomed hundreds of refugees from Camp Ashraf, the refugee camp in Iraq where thousands of Iranian opposition members were kept for years. Two Iranians were arrested in Tirana for planning to carry out a terrorist attack.
The Iranian regime’s strategy is simple. It has the MOIS agency planted in Iranian embassies across Europe and it is via these that attacks are planned and prepared. 
Iran is wreaking havoc across the Middle East and it looks like it has now set its sights on Europe.
The Iranian regime is currently trying to get Europe to cooperate with its demands with regards to the 2015 nuclear deal and the sanctions that the U.S. is putting back into place. The European appeasers of the regime may turn a blind eye to the attacks it carries out in the Middle East, but will they ignore those carried out on home soil?

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