۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۳۰, چهارشنبه

Iranians opposition supporters inside Iran supporting #FreeIran convention

Iranians opposition supporters inside Iran supporting #FreeIran convention

Report by: PMOI/MEK inside Iran

Iran, June 20, 2018 - With only 10 days left to the Iranian opposition convention planned for June 30th in Paris, a long list of videos are arriving from inside Iran showing many groups of people going against all odds to voice their support for this movement and the upcoming event.
People in numerous cities from provinces across the country are increasing their efforts and showing the world how they yearn for regime change. This initiative is gaining strength significantly following the Dec/Jan protests that swept over 140 cities throughout Iran.
Isfahan-An MEK supporter sends these photos

Najaf Abad – Zarrin Shahr – Fulad Shahr

Footage from Isfahan Province show PMOI/MEK supporters holding posters reading, “Free Iran – 1,000 Ashrafs – Paris, 2018” with the Iranian flag and the embedded lion and sun symbol.
Ahvaz - MEK activists draw anti-regime graffiti on the wall


A member of the PMOI/MEK network in Ahvaz has provided footage of writing graffiti in support of the Free Iran convention.
Another video from Khorramabad shows PMOI/MEK supporters distributing posters of the Free Iran convention throughout this city in western Iran. One of these posters contained this writing:
“I have a dream: Free Iran”
Shahr-e Ray – MEK activists draw anti-regime graffiti on the wall

Shahr-e Rey

More graffiti writing by PMOI/MEK supporters in support of the Free Iran rally in Paris.
Shiraz – MEK activists draw anti-regime graffiti on the wall and distribute posters


A PMOI/MEK supporter is seen distributing leaflets of the Free Iran convention throughout the Shiraz Engineering School and writing graffiti on various walls throughout the city during the night.
Mashhad – MEK activists in Mashhad


“Free Iran – Uprising to Victory” is the slogan written on the hand of a PMOI/MEK supporter in the city of Mashhad.


PMOI/MEK supporters in Tehran, the capital of Iran, and the city of Karaj are seen distributing Free Iran leaflets and raising the lion and sun flag.
Arak-MEK activist post posters


In a courageous measure, leaflets in support of the Free Iran convention was distributed and put up by PMOI/MEK supporters in various areas of the city.
Bushehr-MEK activist posts Maryam Rajavi's picture


PMOI/MEK supporters put up posters of the Free Iran convention and Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi in this city, filming and voicing their support for the upcoming rally.

تهران #قیام_دیماه#اعتصاب #تظاهرات_سراسری #قیام سراسری  #اتحاد #آزادی#ما براندازیم  #آ#ايران 

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