۱۳۹۷ خرداد ۲۹, سه‌شنبه

executing Dervish member Mohammad Salas

executing Dervish member Mohammad Salas

Iran, June 19, 2018 - Monday morning’s execution of Mohammad Salas, a member of Iran’s Gonabadi Sufi Dervish community, has raised enormous anger is social media and rendered condemnations for the Iranian regime.
The U.S. State Department issued a statement condemning Salas’ hanging at Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj, west of Tehran. According to the text, this facility has been recently designated by the U.S. Treasury Department in association with gross human rights violations.
Back in February at least 300 Dervishes were arrested following their demand of a fellow faith member to be released after his unjust arrest. Protests and clashes against security forces made headlines and reports show Tehran is continuing its repressive campaign against the Dervishes throughout the country ever since, all on the account of their faith. There have also been alarming allegations of Dervishes killed in jails or being beaten to death by the regime’s security forces. The execution of Mohammad Salas, suddenly rushed by Iranian authorities, proves yet again how the Iranian regime completely disregards its citizens’ human rights.
The Iranian regime accused Salas, this 51-year old father of two children, of killing three members of security forces dispatched to quell protests launched by the Gonabadi Sufis back in February.

Mohammad Salas in the court
Mohammad Salas in the court

Reports indicate Salas was denied the right to have a lawyer prior to and during the trial. International monitors are describing such treatment as completely unjust and unfair. The so-called court also dismissed key defense witnesses able to testify and prove Salas was in custody at the time of the crime he was being accused of, specifically running over police officers with a bus.
Salas and his supporters highlighted his innocence through the entire “judiciary” process, adding he was tortured by authorized to provide coerced confession. Salas was not afforded a fair trial and appeal guarantees, rights he should have been entitled to and guaranteed. This is a clear violation of the Iranian regime’s international human rights obligations.
MEP Gerard Deprez of the European Parliament issued a statement after Salas’ execution condemning this heinous act.
The international community must raise its voice in condemning this “brutal and unjust execution of Mr. Salas at the hands of the Iranian regime,” as described by the State Department.
Hundreds of Gonabadi Sufis remain unjustly in custody based on their beliefs and must be released. This includes the Gonabadi Sufi leader Dr. Noor Ali Tabandeh, 91, held under house arrest for the past four months and is in dire need of medical care.
The Iranian people, like all other nations, deserve to live under the rule of law, accountable and transparent governance, a system respecting their human rights and basic freedoms, and not the suffering they endure under the mullahs’ regime.

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